Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 15: Compassion Connect

Today we had a "staff" party for my work. Oh wait... Let me back up. Last my blogging world knew is that I worked at The Portland Art Museum and after having Addysen I did what I never thought I'd do... I quit my job. I was unemployed by choice. I have ALWAYS worked since I was like 12. Babysitting, retail, banking. I remember one of my first jobs I was in my early teens and showing apartments to UW students. LOTS of keys and signing leases. Crazy!!! Actually most of my jobs were crazy. I was pretty young and promoted to an assistant manager position at the photography studio I worked at. I was always studying at a bubble tea shop that just opened and thought it would be free to learn how to make bubble tea. He gave me a job and basically I was opening and closing the store within weeks. Haha! So... Back to me having a job.

Here's the crazy story: my cousin, TD, interned for Compassion Connect (CC) over the summer. Came home and said that the co-founder, Milan, was looking for someone to run their banquet that's in October. I was like... Ooh that sounds like fun. I love events and have only heard great things about CC. Remember... I was getting antsy to be productive. So, I sent in my résumé. We emailed and talked briefly on the phone. Milan told me that they are looking at hiring a financial coordinator that can run events. Why... Lucky him! I was taking some bookkeeping classes and have filled in short term for our bookkeeper that went on maternity leave and have run many events. We met the next day at Starbucks. And he offered me the job. I wasn't really looking for a job and it all happened really fast. But Joel and I knew one of us had to pick up a few hours somewhere. This is a great gig. I go into the office one day a week for staff meeting and work off my desktop computer. Then work on Fridays from home or a coffee shop. I also ran the banquet that was in October. But that's all done now.

It's been fun getting to know the staff and the board. Tonight we went to see a Christmas concert at Portland Christian Center and then back to our house for dinner. Soup, salad and breadsticks. It was a perfect day for yummy warmth was in a bowl. I love our house and what God is allowing us to use it for. More on the house in another post. Anyways it was a great time had by all. Kaden wasn't thrilled that I made him dress up. Addysen still can't tell me that she cares that I dress her up. Haha! It's been fun learning new team members and their personality traits. We are all very different and bring lots of different gifts to the table. Anyways, I'm partied out. Getting a cold so I better get some sleep. Sorry if this post is all over the place... Darn cold Meds! Lol!

Check out what Compassion Connect does here:

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