Friday, April 15, 2011

Kaden is THREE!!!

Kaden turned three! He had his three year check up this morning and he's weighing in at 32 lbs and he's 36 inches tall. He got super shy for the doctor and every time she would leave he would talk up a storm again. He's super into CARS (the pixar film) and any other kind of cars, trains, planes... loves Curious George... getting into Pocoyo and Caillou. He is a wonderful helper. Loves to race... he loves to win.... and be Lightning McQueen! Everything is related to the movie, Cars... ask him what colors things are and he will say it's McQueen color (red), Chick Hicks color (green) or King color (blue)... he even goes so far as random other cars in the movie are yellow, orange, etc. We are in the midst of potty training. He's showing some progress... is amazing through the night but when he's home is when we have issues... we just all forget and play and do our thing... he's pretty good out and about. Sometimes he won't go in a bathroom that's not very clean. Kaden loves life... he plays really well by himself or with others. He isn't the greatest sharing with smaller kids... he thinks they are going to eat his toys or mess them up somehow. I don't really blame him... but still teaching him nonetheless. He loves to do all things Dadda does, but is Momma's boy through and through. As long as he's fed and gets a nap... life is wonderful. If those two things don't happen... we have to watch out for our little "emo" guy. :) We can usually change the subject or race our way out of the tantrums. And if all else fails... a "starwars" or everyone else calls them Starbusts usually will help. He has an awesome imagination... the couch at any time could be a boat, a plane, a motorcycle, school, a swimming pool. He likes to make mountains in the middle of the room with all the couch cushions and climb the mountain for hours. He reads books to himself, almost verbatim sometimes. Three years has seriously gone by too fast. Treasuring each day.

March: Transition Month

Kaden and Momma washing dishes
March was a hard month... it was a busy month... it was the month where EVERYTHING hit us at once. We felt like we were swimming upstream. We set a goal of April 1st as the date we put the house on the market... but we forgot that our housemates are gone and there was a ton of stuff you don't realize until it's (they) are gone. Joel can't just "run out" and grab stuff for the house... there isn't another or two sets of hands to watch kaden, clean, cook, help. It was definitely a month of adjustments on how to live just the three of us. I (lisa) also had a big event happening at the beginning of April...and planning birthday parties, and the conference and trying to get our house on the market. WOW... I am tired just thinking of the month of March. The craziness isn't over... but I think we sort of figured out how to do life with just the three of us... just in time for our friend, Kris to move back in. (What can we say... we like living in community). Kaden especially gets bored of just the two of us... our house is getting there... should be up by mid-May. Praying for a miracle... that someone will fall in love with the house and not ask us to do anything to it and take the price as is. :) It was a miracle that we bought it and we are having faith that it will sell the same way. :) That was March.