Friday, September 25, 2009

Flipping the Switch

Kaden has learned a lot of new "tricks" lately. One of the funnier things he has done recently is turning on and off the hallway light. He will go find the step stool and drag it into the hallway right under the light switch. Then he'll prop himself up and turn on and off the light endlessly.

What's even funnier is that he claps for himself after he is finished.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kaden in a BOX

Kaden and in a box.
Kaden and Momma in a box.
Kaden and Charlie in a box...
Uncle Zach in a box?
Auntie April in a box.
Auntie April AND Auntie TD in a box!
Kaden loves his box.
Kaden got a box, and we got a AC unit...two amazing gifts! :)