Monday, July 8, 2013

Little Timber Kaden

Kaden's dreams came true this week. He got to play soccer on Jeld-Wen field. Zach and Amanda sponsored Kaden to soccer camp and we found one put on by the Timbers. Kaden got to play for three days, four hours each day with 100 other kids. Kaden was the youngest and so excited to play! He put on his Timber jersey and we got him shin guards and cleats and he was off. He looked like he belongs out there. Of course it was one of the hottest weeks in Portland but he braved the heat and learned new skills and played his heart out. I would figure he would be so exhausted by the end of the four hours but he wanted to keep playing when we got home. I think I was more emotional sending him off to the pitch then I was on his very first day of preschool. I enjoy seeing my kids love something so passionately. Kaden even got to meet one of the Timbers players: Diego Valeri. It was a very cool experience for him. I am very thankful he gets to do cool things like this. I guess I'm a real soccer mom now. We also got a minivan this week. Haha!! I think Addysen's first song she can fully song is going to be a Timber chant and not twinkle twinkle. Haha! 

One and Five

A late post. But better late then never. The kids had milestone birthdays this year. Addysen turned one and kaden turned five. We celebrated with dinner at Red Robin (kadens choice) for the day of his actual birthday. But celebrations lasted all month. Lots of fun outings: free ice cream, free burgers at Fudruckers, two parties. The Portland party was held at the soccer field and was a hit! We had two of our friends be the coaches and had the kids do some organized soccer drills and scrimmage. Then we had a Seattle party at The Nest. It's a daycare facility that has all sorts of fun stuff for the kids. That party was mostly family. We also had professional pictures taken at the Picture People. It was my first time as a true customer on the other side of the camera. Pictures turned out great! I can't believe these kids are growing up sooo fast before our eyes. Kaden lives and breathes soccer. Addysen is super funny and loves the out doors and birds. I am blessed to be able to call these two as my kids. Happy birthday dear ones! We love you so much! 

Sunday, February 24, 2013


I turned 33 while in Hawaii. It was a relaxing birthday no big hurrah, just spent it with the family as they packed up to head home. Joel an I had one more night there.

As I reflect on my last year of life it was filled with transitions. New baby, good bye to close friends, sold our house, blessed with a beautiful house to live in. Quit my job at the Portland Art Museum. Got a new job at Compassion Connect. Our church is growing and exciting to see how God is molding and shaping us. It's been a stretching, beautiful, life-giving season!

As I look ahead to my 33rd year I am excited to see more stability. More of a rhythm of life. I am a steady Eddie... So, stability is a good thing for me. Haha! I'm excited to see how I can be used by God this my family will grow and learn. I can't believe I will have a ONE year old and FIVE year old in a few weeks. I was going to write down 33 goals for the year or 33 something something. But I am not sure I'm up for that sort of challenge. I feel like I am learning to simplify instead of adding right now. Maybe later. Maybe I when I am a little less sleep deprived. Thank you for the masses amount of birthday wishes from near and far! It made my day extra special!


We got to spend a week on the beautiful island of Oahu, Hawaii. We got to celebrate a beautiful wedding and have a Tran family vacation. My parents, siblings, their spouses, and my niece were able to spend to all take time off to hang at the beach, eat good food and spend quality time together. The kids did great through all the traveling. They loved playing in the sand and water. It was no agenda, relaxing, and filling! We love good food! The weather wasn't too hot or too cold. Kinda windy though. It was just good to be with family.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 31: A Year in Pictures

Here's my 2012 in pictures...but how do you choose 12 pictures when I shot 12,000 pictures? So, I added some highlights... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Rung in the New Year with my cousins! 
Missio launches into full weekly morning services.

I celebrated my 32 birthday!
These two are the LOVE of my life! 

It snowed! 
We prepared for Addysen's arrival.
We had a birthday party in Seattle for Kaden.
Joel and I saw Wicked.

Joel's birthday.
Kaden turned 4.
Addysen decided to enter the world. 
We got an offer on our house.

Kris decided to move back to Hawaii.
Adjusting to life with two kids.
Threw a bridal shower for Lori in Seattle.

Joel and I celebrated our eighth Anniversary.
We attended TD's pinning ceremony.
Went to lots of birthday parties. 
Went strawberry picking.

Lori and Kyle got married.
Zach and Amanda came home from China.
Gracie came to visit.
Quit my job at the Portland Art Museum.

Tim and Annhi got married.
Kevin and Liz got married.
Lots of trips to Seattle.
TD moved down for a few weeks. 
Went to the Oregon Coast.
Got a job at Compassion Connect

Had to say good bye to Zach and Amanda.
Kaden started preschool.
Moved into our new house.
Mike and Liz moved to Seattle.

Went to two pumpkin patches: one with Kaden's preschool and one with the family.
Trick or treated at Multnomah Village.
Went to Seattle to celebrate Lucy's birthday and visited Raygie after getting his new kidney!
Compassion Connect's banquet.

Hosted Thanksgiving Dinner at our new home.
Threw a baby shower for Isaiah Homola.
Lots of family time! 

Celebrated Christmas in Seattle.
Had a belated Christmas in Portland with Joel's sisters'.
Had a cookie exchange at our house with our Missional Community Group.
Kaden was in a Christmas Program. 

 May you feel blessed as you reflect upon the last year and have hope for the new year! This list is not complete whatsoever. We are very thankful for how God has stretched us this year and allowed us to grow in so many different ways. Our kids are such a joy in our lives and it's crazy how fast they are growing. This year was a year of many changes... lots of friends moving away, having babies, moving houses, and job transitions. But through it all we know we are right where God wants us to be and focused on the things that matter. We are grateful for all the new people that are in our lives and all the friends and family that have journeyed with us through it all. Thank you for reading my blog the last 31 days (give or take...but i was pretty close to blogging every day). I will keep blogging but not as pressured by a challenge. :)