Monday, July 8, 2013

One and Five

A late post. But better late then never. The kids had milestone birthdays this year. Addysen turned one and kaden turned five. We celebrated with dinner at Red Robin (kadens choice) for the day of his actual birthday. But celebrations lasted all month. Lots of fun outings: free ice cream, free burgers at Fudruckers, two parties. The Portland party was held at the soccer field and was a hit! We had two of our friends be the coaches and had the kids do some organized soccer drills and scrimmage. Then we had a Seattle party at The Nest. It's a daycare facility that has all sorts of fun stuff for the kids. That party was mostly family. We also had professional pictures taken at the Picture People. It was my first time as a true customer on the other side of the camera. Pictures turned out great! I can't believe these kids are growing up sooo fast before our eyes. Kaden lives and breathes soccer. Addysen is super funny and loves the out doors and birds. I am blessed to be able to call these two as my kids. Happy birthday dear ones! We love you so much! 

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