Addysen isn't feeling too hot. Lets just say we have gone through more diapers then not. Her top two teeth are coming in and she's super uncomfortable. She is also super clingy to me. If I'm not around she's fine with who ever. But the second she sees me she starts to whimper and crawl towards me. I'm sad cause there's really not much I can do. We have teething tablets, Tylenol and lots of diaper cream. I just try to hold her and console her. Kaden is very loving and prays for her. I hope she feels better soon and is back to her normal super happy self. Right now she is just semi happy.
Going too fast, growing too fast...trying to slow down and savor each moment.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Day 28 & 29: I chose family time
Friday was our last full day in Seattle and we chose to fill it with family time! (Therefore not blogging). We went and hung out at Mill Creek Plaza. I had a coffee date with Kiki and the kids and Joel and Chi Mai walked around to the stores and ended up at the toy store. Trong met us there and we had lunch. We headed back home so the kids could nap. Raygie and TD came by with more gifts for the kids and we had a cousin's dinner... We took up half of the sushi restaurant. Haha! Our second annual cousins' Christmas gift exchange party went into the wee hours of the night. So many laughs. So many gifts. So many games! Then Saturday morning we had a photo shoot. We had so much fun with one of my former coworkers, Brooke. I can't wait to see her pictures. We are such a group of posers. Haha! We filled our tummies with breakfast at Edmonds beach and then met up with my parents and siblings for one last meal. We got Dim Sum for lunch. (I ate wayyyyyy too much this morning, forgot to include the bagel and coffee I had before the photo shoot.) Joel and I returned back to my parents house to TRY to get everything to fit in our Honda Fit. It was tight but we did it. We headed back to Portland and am thankful to be home. Good night blogging world.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Day 27: Not Girly
I'm not a girly girl. I didn't have many dolls growing up and what I had married my brother's GI Joe action figures. Today my niece wanted me to play with her castle and I really didn't know what to do. Here's hoping that Addysen won't be too much of a girly girl.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Day 26: Christmas Aftermath
This morning i woke up to kaden and his cousin Chloe fighting. Not over any one thing but over EVERYTHING. They both have been on less sleep than normal. The Christmas toys are everywhere. They have a love-hate relationship. They are best friends most of the times. We have had to get two of the same thing for gifts cause they want to be like each other. I love how much they love each other. But boy when they fight or whine it drives me crazy! I'm thankful that kaden has cousins around his age. I love having so many cousins and hanging out with all of them. I think my bro needs to have another so Addysen has a cousin around her age. :) We are having a cousins Christmas exchange on Friday. I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with my cousins.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Day 25: Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas to friends and family near and far! We are very thankful to be surrounded with so much love. Even through the crazy family dynamics and drama... At the end of the day I know we have each other's backs. We are thankful for prayers and how much everyone loves on our kids. Hope you had a day to remember and be thankful for what you have. Merry Christmas from our family to yours.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Day 24: Anticipation
I remember the Christmas I was pregnant with kaden... The anticipation of the birth of Jesus coming into the world seemed a little bit more real as I was anticipating the birth of my first born. The mixed feelings of excitement and wonder and of fear and shame.
I love watching the kids as they anticipate Christmas morning. What is under all the pretty paper? Inside those bags? The restlessness of trying to sleep so they can wake up in the morning. It's not about the presents but I do want my kids to know how to give and receive good gifts. And remember that Jesus is the best gift of all.
I love Christmas on many levels. I love that I get to teach my kids the reason why Jesus entered the world. And not just came into this darkness but as a kid like them. Jesus is not just for adults. He had to experience it all from birth to death.
May you find rest and comfort tonight. May you anticipate the return of Jesus to renew the world and make it right again. May you find a hope in a God that loves you more than our brains can comprehend. May you and your friends and family have a Merry Christmas.
I love watching the kids as they anticipate Christmas morning. What is under all the pretty paper? Inside those bags? The restlessness of trying to sleep so they can wake up in the morning. It's not about the presents but I do want my kids to know how to give and receive good gifts. And remember that Jesus is the best gift of all.
I love Christmas on many levels. I love that I get to teach my kids the reason why Jesus entered the world. And not just came into this darkness but as a kid like them. Jesus is not just for adults. He had to experience it all from birth to death.
May you find rest and comfort tonight. May you anticipate the return of Jesus to renew the world and make it right again. May you find a hope in a God that loves you more than our brains can comprehend. May you and your friends and family have a Merry Christmas.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Day 23: Words
Addysen got a beautiful gift today. It was a quilt made by Betty! At my baby shower everyone signed a quilt square and Betty put it together into a beautiful quilt. Today I got to read these blessings to Addysen. Words are very important to me. I think it's my love language. Thank you friends for your words over Addysen.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Day 22: candles
Tonight we had our candle light service at Missio. There's something about candles. At my parents house there's a section of the ceiling that's a little discolored. It's where I had a treasure chest and it had a million candle holders on the top. I've always loved watching the wick flicker. It makes my home nice and cozy. It usually has some yummy scent. It lights up a dark corner.
Tonight Joel talked about Jesus, the light of the world, came into darkness to make it light. Our world's darkness, our daily darkness.
We sang and celebrated Jesus's birth. It was good to be with our Missio Community and friends. The room sparkled with candles. It was cool when everyone got one and we were singing silent night. I'm just in awe of how much God loves us and wants to light up our worlds.
Tonight Joel talked about Jesus, the light of the world, came into darkness to make it light. Our world's darkness, our daily darkness.
We sang and celebrated Jesus's birth. It was good to be with our Missio Community and friends. The room sparkled with candles. It was cool when everyone got one and we were singing silent night. I'm just in awe of how much God loves us and wants to light up our worlds.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Day 21: Home Alone!!!
What's that saying? You don't know what you got until it's gone?!? My husband is gone. Not really... He's home but has locked himself in our office for the last week and a half. Bad timing... We have had something every night of the week. He will make guest appearances for these events but then when everyone leaves he goes back into hiding until the wee hours of the night and wakes up super early. He's working on the message for our church's candle light service. (Tomorrow night, 6:30 pm) I see huge poster size sticky notes all over the walls filled with notes and thoughts. He only comes back into the house to refill his French press with more coffee. The kids light up when he comes in and then follow him to the glass doors and watch him return back to work. Gosh...I light up to have some adult conversation or another set of hands for a moment so I can scarf down part of my meal or to use the bathroom. Addysen is way too fast to leave her anywhere for a split second. I have been putting her in her crib or high chair if I need to go downstairs to grab the laundry or even do the dishes. She doesn't like the confinement. Haha! Anyways... Joel hasn't worked on a message in a while so he's out of any sort of rhythm. Hence the reason why he hasn't blogged the last few days... It's crunch time. I think it's hard enough to parent with the two adults (remember I'm spoiled with four adults living under one roof) and now that its just one adult... Crazy!!! Shout out to all you single parents out there. I don't think it's impossible... I am just exhausted.
I had a little break down yesterday. I had finally convinced kaden to run errands. One stop at the office to sign some checks, drop the mail off at the post and go to the Dollar store and Target to buy some gifts and stuff we need for our trip to Seattle and maybe a hair cut for the little guy. We left the house later than I wanted and we hit traffic in the middle of the day. We are almost to the office and I look back to a sleeping baby (which I wanted) and a sleeping big boy (that I didn't really want). I can't carry him around to run my errands. And he was OUT! I made it to the office and left my sleeping kids in the car to run inside through the down pour and grab what I needed. I prayed the the employees of the ice cream shop wouldn't call the cops on me. (I wasn't even gone a minute for those who are shaming me right now.) I had to go home. No other errands could be made with the sleeping kids. I got home. Overwhelmed by my list. Texted Joel to ask if he'd be in hiding the whole rest of the afternoon and evening. He came in. I said I needed just an hour. He told me to go. I felt soooo guilty the whole time I was gone. I rushed around like a mad woman. I might have just grabbed things and not compared prices like I would normally have. I came home with stuff checked off but still feeling empty and guilty. I felt selfish.
I miss my husband. I miss the kids' daddy. I miss my co-laborer. (Chores are more fun done together). Joel is the better shopper. He's the better cook. He's the better put-kaden-to-bed person. He's the better soccer player. He keeps me sane. He keeps me laughing.
He's a great pastor... Don't hear me wrong. He's not being neglectful, he is doing what he can and we are allowing him the space to work on a very special message that I know God is working through him on. I'm very excited to hear the final message tomorrow night.
I know all the laundry, packing, cards, gift wrapping and whatever else is on my list will all come always does. I'm looking forward to a few days of doing nothing but enjoying family and friends and getting back into a rhythm with Joel back. Next time he preaches I'm hiring a nanny and a house cleaner. Hahah!!! Definitely spoiled. :) Off to start packing. Oh wait. Laundry first. Night blog readers.
I had a little break down yesterday. I had finally convinced kaden to run errands. One stop at the office to sign some checks, drop the mail off at the post and go to the Dollar store and Target to buy some gifts and stuff we need for our trip to Seattle and maybe a hair cut for the little guy. We left the house later than I wanted and we hit traffic in the middle of the day. We are almost to the office and I look back to a sleeping baby (which I wanted) and a sleeping big boy (that I didn't really want). I can't carry him around to run my errands. And he was OUT! I made it to the office and left my sleeping kids in the car to run inside through the down pour and grab what I needed. I prayed the the employees of the ice cream shop wouldn't call the cops on me. (I wasn't even gone a minute for those who are shaming me right now.) I had to go home. No other errands could be made with the sleeping kids. I got home. Overwhelmed by my list. Texted Joel to ask if he'd be in hiding the whole rest of the afternoon and evening. He came in. I said I needed just an hour. He told me to go. I felt soooo guilty the whole time I was gone. I rushed around like a mad woman. I might have just grabbed things and not compared prices like I would normally have. I came home with stuff checked off but still feeling empty and guilty. I felt selfish.
I miss my husband. I miss the kids' daddy. I miss my co-laborer. (Chores are more fun done together). Joel is the better shopper. He's the better cook. He's the better put-kaden-to-bed person. He's the better soccer player. He keeps me sane. He keeps me laughing.
He's a great pastor... Don't hear me wrong. He's not being neglectful, he is doing what he can and we are allowing him the space to work on a very special message that I know God is working through him on. I'm very excited to hear the final message tomorrow night.
I know all the laundry, packing, cards, gift wrapping and whatever else is on my list will all come always does. I'm looking forward to a few days of doing nothing but enjoying family and friends and getting back into a rhythm with Joel back. Next time he preaches I'm hiring a nanny and a house cleaner. Hahah!!! Definitely spoiled. :) Off to start packing. Oh wait. Laundry first. Night blog readers.
Day 20: shepherds and stars
I didn't realize I fell asleep without blogging. I think I went to put Addysen down and didn't wake up. Sorry to all my hardcore readers out there. Lol!
We had kaden's Christmas program yesterday... I'm a little biased but he was the cutest shepherd. He had the final line in the play: "He's the best present of all!" Then they sang a bunch of songs. We thought kaden was going to freeze before he got up there but he did great! His best friend Lillian was sick leading up to the program and kaden was really concerned. He prayed that she would get better so he can follow her to see baby Jesus. Lillian was the "star" that lead the shepherds and the wise men to see baby Jesus. All the kids were super adorable. There were little 2 year olds jumping up and down as they were singing. Three year olds going crazy with bells and the fours and fives were super stars! Thanks to all kaden's aunties and uncles that could make it out to the show!
We had kaden's Christmas program yesterday... I'm a little biased but he was the cutest shepherd. He had the final line in the play: "He's the best present of all!" Then they sang a bunch of songs. We thought kaden was going to freeze before he got up there but he did great! His best friend Lillian was sick leading up to the program and kaden was really concerned. He prayed that she would get better so he can follow her to see baby Jesus. Lillian was the "star" that lead the shepherds and the wise men to see baby Jesus. All the kids were super adorable. There were little 2 year olds jumping up and down as they were singing. Three year olds going crazy with bells and the fours and fives were super stars! Thanks to all kaden's aunties and uncles that could make it out to the show!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Day 19: Community & Cookies
Tonight we had our Missional Community Group over to "connect and bless". We connected over pizza, breadsticks and salad and decorated cookies (I think I ate one too many cookies). And we blessed our neighbors, coworkers, friends and family with plates/boxes/bags of cookies. Each of us contributed some yummy desserts and we created these awesome assortment of treats to give away! We also had a surprise visit from jolly ole saint nicholas! He came bearing gifts for all the kiddos. They weren't so sure about him at first, but quickly discovered that he had presents for them. Addysen didn't really flinch when we put her on his lap. Maybe I will attempt taking her and Kaden to the mall for some photos. Most of the adults were even quite surprised that he came to our group tonight! What a fun night had by all. It's been a lot of fun getting to know everyone in the group... new faces are popping in and kids are growing fast. Sorry for the later post than usual... I was trying to get all the sprinkles that are decorating every corner of the house! :) I think I will try to sleep now even though I have a pretty good sugar high. :)
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Day 18: Let it SNOW!
Let it SNOW! Let it SNOW! Let is SNOW!!!
Now it feels like Christmas with the snow that fell today. Our new place is just high enough that the block below us was slush and we were SNOW!!!! It snowed all around but it stuck in our streets too! Kaden woke up this morning and made his way to the couch and I peaked out of the bathroom and said "hey kaden, did you look outside? There's snow!" and you hear the exciting "SNOW!!!" like only a four year old could exclaim! I am normally just as giddy and would be staring at the peaceful fluffy cotton balls falling from the sky, but not this morning... I HAD to be downtown by 8:30am for traffic court. (Yes, I got a ticket for being on my cell phone cause I was running late for a meeting, but it got dismissed.) Normally I wouldn't be in a rush to go anywhere, not even work, if the snow was coming down. And with Christmas being just a few days away and lots of things coming up I didn't want to be burdened by snow. But once I reached downtown and found parking and got settled inside the court room and waited for my turn to appear before the judge... I looked outside and there was snow downtown!!!! It was magical... downtown is a magical place during the holidays. I actually think there's a beauty all year round down there...but I am a city girl! It's when you nature folk go hiking and see how awesome God is...I see that in the streets and sounds and even the smells of the city. Weird, I know...but we are all wired differently. But the christmas lights hung everywhere...the hustle and bustle the snow was the icing on the cake. It didn't last very long...but I think it helped everyone just stop and for a minute and feel a little sense of peace. The white snow adds light to places, makes it all pure and clean (until you walk through it or drive through it then it gets all nasty). I didn't want to walk out to my car this morning cause I would mess up the snow. And it would melt where my foot prints are. I feel like that with God sometime... He comes in and makes things pure as snow and then leave it to me to add my attempt at controlling something and trample all over the beauty that he's created....and make it all dirty and dark. He calls us to have a child like faith and come to him like the children are the first to be super excited about the snow...and run to it! No coat or anything... then we adults hinder their excitement and put a millon layers of clothing on and then they are these huge puff balls that can't they cant enjoy the snow in it's entirety. I want to be more like my kids! I want that excitement, that faith, and the purity! I want to "let it snow" in my life! I want to "let it snow" in my family! I want to "let it snow" in my community!!!! May God's "snow"cover us and give us the peace and grace this season especially in all the darkness that's in our world right now! SNOW JESUS!
(picture found here)
Now it feels like Christmas with the snow that fell today. Our new place is just high enough that the block below us was slush and we were SNOW!!!! It snowed all around but it stuck in our streets too! Kaden woke up this morning and made his way to the couch and I peaked out of the bathroom and said "hey kaden, did you look outside? There's snow!" and you hear the exciting "SNOW!!!" like only a four year old could exclaim! I am normally just as giddy and would be staring at the peaceful fluffy cotton balls falling from the sky, but not this morning... I HAD to be downtown by 8:30am for traffic court. (Yes, I got a ticket for being on my cell phone cause I was running late for a meeting, but it got dismissed.) Normally I wouldn't be in a rush to go anywhere, not even work, if the snow was coming down. And with Christmas being just a few days away and lots of things coming up I didn't want to be burdened by snow. But once I reached downtown and found parking and got settled inside the court room and waited for my turn to appear before the judge... I looked outside and there was snow downtown!!!! It was magical... downtown is a magical place during the holidays. I actually think there's a beauty all year round down there...but I am a city girl! It's when you nature folk go hiking and see how awesome God is...I see that in the streets and sounds and even the smells of the city. Weird, I know...but we are all wired differently. But the christmas lights hung everywhere...the hustle and bustle the snow was the icing on the cake. It didn't last very long...but I think it helped everyone just stop and for a minute and feel a little sense of peace. The white snow adds light to places, makes it all pure and clean (until you walk through it or drive through it then it gets all nasty). I didn't want to walk out to my car this morning cause I would mess up the snow. And it would melt where my foot prints are. I feel like that with God sometime... He comes in and makes things pure as snow and then leave it to me to add my attempt at controlling something and trample all over the beauty that he's created....and make it all dirty and dark. He calls us to have a child like faith and come to him like the children are the first to be super excited about the snow...and run to it! No coat or anything... then we adults hinder their excitement and put a millon layers of clothing on and then they are these huge puff balls that can't they cant enjoy the snow in it's entirety. I want to be more like my kids! I want that excitement, that faith, and the purity! I want to "let it snow" in my life! I want to "let it snow" in my family! I want to "let it snow" in my community!!!! May God's "snow"cover us and give us the peace and grace this season especially in all the darkness that's in our world right now! SNOW JESUS!
(picture found here)
Monday, December 17, 2012
I love weddings! I love proposals! I love LOVE!!!
My cousin, John, texts me the other night and asked if I wanted to see something. I said only if its sparkly! He replied "maybe?" Hahah!!! He sent me the picture of the ring and we were as excited as we can be over chat messages! :)
I remember the weekend I went up to Seattle and John was gushing over this girl that he was starting to talk to. He couldn't stop talking about her. I have never seen him this way. I have talked to him about other girls he's dated and none even remotely is gushed over as Andrea. I asked him several hard questions regarding future goals and dreams. He had much thought through and I quickly realized my little cousin is a grown up. He's not that goofy kid that is trying to aimlessly wonder through day to day. He was serious and that this would lead towards marriage. We then met Andrea and all the cousins quickly whispered who she was to us.
It is fun getting to know her. I love how they complement each other and really push each other to center their own lives on Jesus. I am really excited for this journey they are on. I'm excited to attend another wedding! I'm excited to have another cousin in this family! I love my family. My cousins are such joy! I dislike that they have fun without me cause we are in Portland and they are in Seattle. But info love that I get all the secrets first cause I can't accidentally spill the beans. Hahah!! I am also one of the older (more wiser) cousins!!! :) so I get privileged information. Haha!
So... Congrats to John and Andrea! Love that you have fallen in love with each other and that your love is based on Jesus' love! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!!!
My cousin, John, texts me the other night and asked if I wanted to see something. I said only if its sparkly! He replied "maybe?" Hahah!!! He sent me the picture of the ring and we were as excited as we can be over chat messages! :)
I remember the weekend I went up to Seattle and John was gushing over this girl that he was starting to talk to. He couldn't stop talking about her. I have never seen him this way. I have talked to him about other girls he's dated and none even remotely is gushed over as Andrea. I asked him several hard questions regarding future goals and dreams. He had much thought through and I quickly realized my little cousin is a grown up. He's not that goofy kid that is trying to aimlessly wonder through day to day. He was serious and that this would lead towards marriage. We then met Andrea and all the cousins quickly whispered who she was to us.
It is fun getting to know her. I love how they complement each other and really push each other to center their own lives on Jesus. I am really excited for this journey they are on. I'm excited to attend another wedding! I'm excited to have another cousin in this family! I love my family. My cousins are such joy! I dislike that they have fun without me cause we are in Portland and they are in Seattle. But info love that I get all the secrets first cause I can't accidentally spill the beans. Hahah!! I am also one of the older (more wiser) cousins!!! :) so I get privileged information. Haha!
So... Congrats to John and Andrea! Love that you have fallen in love with each other and that your love is based on Jesus' love! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!!!
Day 16: Blogging is Hard
Blogging is hard every day! Especially trying to find the time to blog. I have been writing on my phone after I put Addysen to bed cause I usually end up sitting in the dark next to her for a little bit to make sure she's asleep. But the nights Joel puts her to bed, I don't know where to fit it into my schedule. I know each post doesn't have to be long or thought provoking... but I want my readers not to get bored.
Anyways... it's nearing midnight and I am half way done with my Christmas cards... (Darn, I was hoping to be ALL done and in the mail in the morning!) Addysen was a little extra clingy tonight... she's trying to get her top two teeth in...she's biting EVERYTHING and drooling like crazy. And I think all the extra mucus crap is keeping her from sleeping very well. Right now she's sleeping in her car seat a little propped up. But she's also been having some bad nightmare type whimpering in her sleep. It's quite sad. We have had a busy weekend... we had a lot of people through the house and gave up on washing the big dishes. It's EIGHT days until Christmas, I haven't thought about packing for Seattle, presents, food for the week... Kaden's Christmas Program in for his teachers... ahh! I didn't realize I had so much stuff not done yet.
But in all this I think I am really excited for each thing that's on the calendar. Excited to see Kaden on stage and hear his line "He's the best gift of all" and sing all the cute songs he's been practicing every day! I am excited to spend time in Seattle and see my family... excited to build new memories and traditions. I am excited to bake with my Missional Community group this week. Excited to have a candle light service on Saturday with my church, Missio.
But right now, I am tired. So, I leave you with pictures of my kids trying to win a Portland Timber's contest. #TimbersWonderland Night y'all!!!!
Anyways... it's nearing midnight and I am half way done with my Christmas cards... (Darn, I was hoping to be ALL done and in the mail in the morning!) Addysen was a little extra clingy tonight... she's trying to get her top two teeth in...she's biting EVERYTHING and drooling like crazy. And I think all the extra mucus crap is keeping her from sleeping very well. Right now she's sleeping in her car seat a little propped up. But she's also been having some bad nightmare type whimpering in her sleep. It's quite sad. We have had a busy weekend... we had a lot of people through the house and gave up on washing the big dishes. It's EIGHT days until Christmas, I haven't thought about packing for Seattle, presents, food for the week... Kaden's Christmas Program in for his teachers... ahh! I didn't realize I had so much stuff not done yet.
But in all this I think I am really excited for each thing that's on the calendar. Excited to see Kaden on stage and hear his line "He's the best gift of all" and sing all the cute songs he's been practicing every day! I am excited to spend time in Seattle and see my family... excited to build new memories and traditions. I am excited to bake with my Missional Community group this week. Excited to have a candle light service on Saturday with my church, Missio.
But right now, I am tired. So, I leave you with pictures of my kids trying to win a Portland Timber's contest. #TimbersWonderland Night y'all!!!!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Day 15: Compassion Connect
Today we had a "staff" party for my work. Oh wait... Let me back up. Last my blogging world knew is that I worked at The Portland Art Museum and after having Addysen I did what I never thought I'd do... I quit my job. I was unemployed by choice. I have ALWAYS worked since I was like 12. Babysitting, retail, banking. I remember one of my first jobs I was in my early teens and showing apartments to UW students. LOTS of keys and signing leases. Crazy!!! Actually most of my jobs were crazy. I was pretty young and promoted to an assistant manager position at the photography studio I worked at. I was always studying at a bubble tea shop that just opened and thought it would be free to learn how to make bubble tea. He gave me a job and basically I was opening and closing the store within weeks. Haha! So... Back to me having a job.
Here's the crazy story: my cousin, TD, interned for Compassion Connect (CC) over the summer. Came home and said that the co-founder, Milan, was looking for someone to run their banquet that's in October. I was like... Ooh that sounds like fun. I love events and have only heard great things about CC. Remember... I was getting antsy to be productive. So, I sent in my résumé. We emailed and talked briefly on the phone. Milan told me that they are looking at hiring a financial coordinator that can run events. Why... Lucky him! I was taking some bookkeeping classes and have filled in short term for our bookkeeper that went on maternity leave and have run many events. We met the next day at Starbucks. And he offered me the job. I wasn't really looking for a job and it all happened really fast. But Joel and I knew one of us had to pick up a few hours somewhere. This is a great gig. I go into the office one day a week for staff meeting and work off my desktop computer. Then work on Fridays from home or a coffee shop. I also ran the banquet that was in October. But that's all done now.
It's been fun getting to know the staff and the board. Tonight we went to see a Christmas concert at Portland Christian Center and then back to our house for dinner. Soup, salad and breadsticks. It was a perfect day for yummy warmth was in a bowl. I love our house and what God is allowing us to use it for. More on the house in another post. Anyways it was a great time had by all. Kaden wasn't thrilled that I made him dress up. Addysen still can't tell me that she cares that I dress her up. Haha! It's been fun learning new team members and their personality traits. We are all very different and bring lots of different gifts to the table. Anyways, I'm partied out. Getting a cold so I better get some sleep. Sorry if this post is all over the place... Darn cold Meds! Lol!
Check out what Compassion Connect does here:
Here's the crazy story: my cousin, TD, interned for Compassion Connect (CC) over the summer. Came home and said that the co-founder, Milan, was looking for someone to run their banquet that's in October. I was like... Ooh that sounds like fun. I love events and have only heard great things about CC. Remember... I was getting antsy to be productive. So, I sent in my résumé. We emailed and talked briefly on the phone. Milan told me that they are looking at hiring a financial coordinator that can run events. Why... Lucky him! I was taking some bookkeeping classes and have filled in short term for our bookkeeper that went on maternity leave and have run many events. We met the next day at Starbucks. And he offered me the job. I wasn't really looking for a job and it all happened really fast. But Joel and I knew one of us had to pick up a few hours somewhere. This is a great gig. I go into the office one day a week for staff meeting and work off my desktop computer. Then work on Fridays from home or a coffee shop. I also ran the banquet that was in October. But that's all done now.
It's been fun getting to know the staff and the board. Tonight we went to see a Christmas concert at Portland Christian Center and then back to our house for dinner. Soup, salad and breadsticks. It was a perfect day for yummy warmth was in a bowl. I love our house and what God is allowing us to use it for. More on the house in another post. Anyways it was a great time had by all. Kaden wasn't thrilled that I made him dress up. Addysen still can't tell me that she cares that I dress her up. Haha! It's been fun learning new team members and their personality traits. We are all very different and bring lots of different gifts to the table. Anyways, I'm partied out. Getting a cold so I better get some sleep. Sorry if this post is all over the place... Darn cold Meds! Lol!
Check out what Compassion Connect does here:
Friday, December 14, 2012
Day 14: No Words
No more words to describe how I'm doing. Just tears. I cling to hope. Here's someone else's words cause I have none. Author and pastor Max Lucado wrote this:
"Dear Jesus,
It's a good thing you were born at night. This world sure seems dark. I have a good eye for silver linings. But they seem dimmer lately.
These killings, Lord. These children, Lord. Innocence violated. Raw evil demonstrated.
The whole world seems on edge. Trigger-happy. Ticked off. We hear threats of chemical weapons and nuclear bombs. Are we one button-push away from annihilation?
Your world seems a bit darker this Christmas. But you were born in the dark, right? You came at night. The shepherds were nightshift workers. The Wise Men followed a star. Your first cries were heard in the shadows. To see your face, Mary and Joseph needed a candle flame. It was dark. Dark with Herod's jealousy. Dark with Roman oppression. Dark with poverty. Dark with violence.
Herod went on a rampage, killing babies. Joseph took you and your mom into Egypt. You were an immigrant before you were a Nazarene.
Oh, Lord Jesus, you entered the dark world of your day. Won't you enter ours? We are weary of bloodshed. We, like the wise men, are looking for a star. We, like the shepherds, are kneeling at a manger.
This Christmas, we ask you, heal us, help us, be born anew in us.
Your Children"
Prayer is found here:
"Dear Jesus,
It's a good thing you were born at night. This world sure seems dark. I have a good eye for silver linings. But they seem dimmer lately.
These killings, Lord. These children, Lord. Innocence violated. Raw evil demonstrated.
The whole world seems on edge. Trigger-happy. Ticked off. We hear threats of chemical weapons and nuclear bombs. Are we one button-push away from annihilation?
Your world seems a bit darker this Christmas. But you were born in the dark, right? You came at night. The shepherds were nightshift workers. The Wise Men followed a star. Your first cries were heard in the shadows. To see your face, Mary and Joseph needed a candle flame. It was dark. Dark with Herod's jealousy. Dark with Roman oppression. Dark with poverty. Dark with violence.
Herod went on a rampage, killing babies. Joseph took you and your mom into Egypt. You were an immigrant before you were a Nazarene.
Oh, Lord Jesus, you entered the dark world of your day. Won't you enter ours? We are weary of bloodshed. We, like the wise men, are looking for a star. We, like the shepherds, are kneeling at a manger.
This Christmas, we ask you, heal us, help us, be born anew in us.
Your Children"
Prayer is found here:
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Day 13: Baby Brain!?!?
I'm not sure the exact stats (I failed stats...twice) but something like you lose 10% of your brain cells when you are pregnant. I thought the brain cells were supposed to come back after you have the baby...but NO! It gets worse. No sleep, not eating right, baby talking (we don't really) all day.... All adds up to not working out those brain muscles. Haha! I used to have everything memorized. Phone numbers, addresses, birthdays, where things were in the house. Recently kaden and I went to target and I let him choose ornaments for each of us. He carefully perused the aisles and he picked one out for him, Addysen and Chloe. We had company that day and I cleaned up the house. I tucked them away somewhere. It's been three weeks (maybe four... cant remember..haaha) of trying to rack my brain where they could be. Finally tonight I found them. But this is an everyday occurrence. Like right now, as I'm typing sitting in my bed, I just remembered that I made a cup of tea about an hour ago. BOO!!! Someone tell me it eventually comes back??? Please??? Hahah!!! Maybe this blogging thing is good, so then I have some form of reference about the details and thoughts of my life. Haha! Time to go rest my brain.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Day 12: Tired. But Thankful.
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (Matthew 11:28-30 MSG)
I'm tired. I'm worn out. I'm weary. I need Jesus to show me how to take a real rest. My jaw is tight... I think I'm grinding my teeth at night. Speaking of teeth I think Addysen's top two are trying to come in. She's not eating the greatest and therefore not sleeping very well. My heart is heavy from all the mall shooting stuff. My soul is uneasy cause I haven't slowed down enough to be with Jesus. I'm trying but I feel like I'm just trying to stay afloat. I'm lucky that I get one solid meal in the last few days.
Baking has been something that's given me a little creative outlet. But in all these heavy emotions God is here. He made himself evident this morning when I was going to visit a friend in the hospital. Before I left I checked the bank account. Freaked out just a bit worrying about how to travel and have a good simple Christmas with some little presents. I was going to go on a spending freeze until I could figure how we were going to swing the rest of the month. But I really wanted to bless my friend with a cup of Starbucks. She said the coffee was real bad and She didn't sleep well at the hospital. I made myself a cup of coffee at home so I wouldn't have to buy myself a cup of coffee too. Anyways... I took kaden to school and he's new thing is listening to our worship CD in the car... But just one song...over and OVER and OVER AGAIN. He's in the back "sing, sing, sing! And make music to the heavens...sing sing sing!" I started singing along and worshiping with my son. And remembered that my finances have always been in God's control. Things don't always add up when we don't factor God into the equation. So by faith I texted my friend. Asked her what her order was. Got to the drive thru. Ordered. Looked back at Addysen peacefully sleeping. And thanked God. Got to the window to pay and the barista handed me the drink and I proceeded to hand her my card and she said the car in front of me paid. I almost started to cry. Yes... It's a drink. It's a few bucks. But at that moment God was whispering that he's got my back. That humanity still has a heart. I was grateful. It was a beautiful morning spent hanging with my friend in the hospital room.
Moments like that get me through the sleepless nights. The feeling like we are always rushing out the door. The feelings of being alone with two kids and not my adult conversations. Or my adult conversations are never complete thoughts cause something or someone is needing my attention. Deep breaths. Deep prayers. Slow down. Thankful for Gods reminders through his word and through my community and through the random acts of kindness. Love this crazy life of mine.
I'm tired. I'm worn out. I'm weary. I need Jesus to show me how to take a real rest. My jaw is tight... I think I'm grinding my teeth at night. Speaking of teeth I think Addysen's top two are trying to come in. She's not eating the greatest and therefore not sleeping very well. My heart is heavy from all the mall shooting stuff. My soul is uneasy cause I haven't slowed down enough to be with Jesus. I'm trying but I feel like I'm just trying to stay afloat. I'm lucky that I get one solid meal in the last few days.
Baking has been something that's given me a little creative outlet. But in all these heavy emotions God is here. He made himself evident this morning when I was going to visit a friend in the hospital. Before I left I checked the bank account. Freaked out just a bit worrying about how to travel and have a good simple Christmas with some little presents. I was going to go on a spending freeze until I could figure how we were going to swing the rest of the month. But I really wanted to bless my friend with a cup of Starbucks. She said the coffee was real bad and She didn't sleep well at the hospital. I made myself a cup of coffee at home so I wouldn't have to buy myself a cup of coffee too. Anyways... I took kaden to school and he's new thing is listening to our worship CD in the car... But just one song...over and OVER and OVER AGAIN. He's in the back "sing, sing, sing! And make music to the heavens...sing sing sing!" I started singing along and worshiping with my son. And remembered that my finances have always been in God's control. Things don't always add up when we don't factor God into the equation. So by faith I texted my friend. Asked her what her order was. Got to the drive thru. Ordered. Looked back at Addysen peacefully sleeping. And thanked God. Got to the window to pay and the barista handed me the drink and I proceeded to hand her my card and she said the car in front of me paid. I almost started to cry. Yes... It's a drink. It's a few bucks. But at that moment God was whispering that he's got my back. That humanity still has a heart. I was grateful. It was a beautiful morning spent hanging with my friend in the hospital room.
Moments like that get me through the sleepless nights. The feeling like we are always rushing out the door. The feelings of being alone with two kids and not my adult conversations. Or my adult conversations are never complete thoughts cause something or someone is needing my attention. Deep breaths. Deep prayers. Slow down. Thankful for Gods reminders through his word and through my community and through the random acts of kindness. Love this crazy life of mine.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Day 11: Too Close to Home
I'm am sitting here in tears reading the news tonight. It's just a little too close to home. If you didn't hear there was a shooting at the Clackamas Town Center right outside of Portland earlier this afternoon. You see, that's the safe part I town. It's a middle class neighborhood where things like this don't go down. It's where I worked, eaten at, shopped at, taken my kids to to play and just get out of the house. Before moving to SW Portland we lived five minutes away. I thought about taking the kids to the east side today to get out of the house and run some errands. Errands that would have included shopping. Scares me to think of the "what ifs". But I wasn't there. I was home, husbandless, tending to kids that are recovering from little colds. Joel had a long day of work meetings today. But a lot of people I know we're there.
I read a Facebook post from one of our friends from church not to go to Clackamas Town Center cause of a shooting. She works at Nordstroms and was in the basement of their store safe. Then post after post of other people I know and care about at the mall or just left the mall or near the mall. One of the scariest ones is a family that we love from our previous church actually saw the gunman walk in as they were leaving. Her report is in the Oregonian. Friends with kids there.... I can't even imagine what this traumatic experience would do to a kid. It shakes me up and I didn't even experience it first hand.
All these reports of people saying things like "l will never shop there any more" makes me want to tell them they are dumb. Yes, you're scared. Yes, safety is one of our first needs. But reality is THIS CAN HAPPEN ANYWHERE ANYTIME.We live in a very BROKEN MESSED UP WORLD. It's dumb cause if we said we won't go to a place we didn't think was safe we wouldn't go to school, to work, to the mall, maybe even to our own homes. You are not 100% safe anywhere any more. People are just getting bolder and crazier and more senseless. Maybe for a time you won't go back just to heal and work through your fears. My heart breaks for the families that were there and of the ones who died. Including the shooter's family. I am sure he has a mother out there and a father out there grieving and guilt stricken. I cant imagine the "what ifs" going through their heads. Sad.
This random senseless act of violence makes me cling to Jesus even more today. Makes me hold my husband and kids a little closer tonight. Makes me thankful for each day and reminds me that my God is bigger and I can't live in fear. More people need Jesus... More people need hope in something bigger than themselves or they wouldn't act out in such a hopeless way hurting many.... But that we would love many. Time is limited on this earth... We need to Live Love. Praying for you all near and far that are affected by this act of violence, especially those who have to return to work at the mall over the weekend: that peace and grace fill your hearts.
I read a Facebook post from one of our friends from church not to go to Clackamas Town Center cause of a shooting. She works at Nordstroms and was in the basement of their store safe. Then post after post of other people I know and care about at the mall or just left the mall or near the mall. One of the scariest ones is a family that we love from our previous church actually saw the gunman walk in as they were leaving. Her report is in the Oregonian. Friends with kids there.... I can't even imagine what this traumatic experience would do to a kid. It shakes me up and I didn't even experience it first hand.
All these reports of people saying things like "l will never shop there any more" makes me want to tell them they are dumb. Yes, you're scared. Yes, safety is one of our first needs. But reality is THIS CAN HAPPEN ANYWHERE ANYTIME.We live in a very BROKEN MESSED UP WORLD. It's dumb cause if we said we won't go to a place we didn't think was safe we wouldn't go to school, to work, to the mall, maybe even to our own homes. You are not 100% safe anywhere any more. People are just getting bolder and crazier and more senseless. Maybe for a time you won't go back just to heal and work through your fears. My heart breaks for the families that were there and of the ones who died. Including the shooter's family. I am sure he has a mother out there and a father out there grieving and guilt stricken. I cant imagine the "what ifs" going through their heads. Sad.
This random senseless act of violence makes me cling to Jesus even more today. Makes me hold my husband and kids a little closer tonight. Makes me thankful for each day and reminds me that my God is bigger and I can't live in fear. More people need Jesus... More people need hope in something bigger than themselves or they wouldn't act out in such a hopeless way hurting many.... But that we would love many. Time is limited on this earth... We need to Live Love. Praying for you all near and far that are affected by this act of violence, especially those who have to return to work at the mall over the weekend: that peace and grace fill your hearts.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Day 10: Good Starter...Bad Finisher
I'm a pretty good starter. I actually am a good finisher too. But since I've had kids (especially two kids) I find myself not being that great of a finisher. Not by choice. It almost kills me not to check things off a list. My typical day starts with feeding my kids and starting breakfast for myself. I am called away or someone needs something else and I forget about what I was doing and it ends up either with burnt toast or soggy cereal. Lots of cold tea or coffee to go with it. I start the laundry and it sits in the washer for a few days and have to rewash it. I start a craft project and have totes of unfinished stuff. I have thank you cards from many parties and events with notes written but no address and it just sits there. (We actually have our wedding thank you cards in a huge box that is mostly done but eight years of marriage later. Sorry people... We are very thankful for you and your gifts and love on us as a couple and as a family.... Hahah!!!) we actually ordered our Christmas cards I think the week of thanksgiving. It took me a week to pick them up even though they were done after a day. And now they are half done. :( it's the 10th!!! I wanted to get them out two weeks ago! I know what all you time managers out there are thinking... "Eat that Frog", write out weekly goals, blah blah blah. I feel like I do that... But can only manage to accomplish my work to do list. I think "frogs" can't be eaten if there's a crying baby or a soccer-starved child that needs to run off some energy. Anyways... On this blog I'm gonna to throw it out there that I WILL have my cards done by Monday! Someone text me Sunday night. Or better yet... Come watch my kids or help me address some. It's more fun with other people. Here's to finishing ONE thing this year. :) haha!!!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Day 9: The Joy of Baking
Growing up my parents worked a ton and so I wasn't trained up in the ways of cooking. Then I had a fear of raw meat and germs. So, I just didn't enjoy cooking. It was too ambiguous: a little bit of this and that too taste? No clue what I was tasting for. But I did figure out that I loved baking! It's a science. It's pretty exact. I mostly love to bake cookies. It's not an all day process and easy to share and has a comfort attached to it. I also love the creativity attached to cookies. There's a base and then the yummy stuff you add to it to change it up. I tried to bake cranberry bliss bars tonight. I LOVE the Starbucks one and its only a limited time item. I think it needs another go at the recipe. They were a little too gooey. But still yummy! (Still trying to figure out my oven). Anyways.... The holidays are full of baking and sharing. I think I want to tackle cinnamon rolls for our neighbors. I love that kaden and I have a lot of baking parties. He's a great helper! Especially when it comes to licking the cookie dough off the mixer paddle. We will prob make Christmas sugar cookies this week. Whats your favorite treat? Hope you are able to enjoy some yummy baked goods this season.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Day 8: Coffee Addiction
Hi my name is Lisa. And I'm addicted to a good cup of coffee. Actually I can't drink black coffee I'm a sweet foo-foo kind of coffee drinker. My drink of choice usually is a tall, whole milk, extra foamy, caramel macchiato in a grande cup (so I can get lots of foam). Or minus the caramel macchiato and make it a peppermint latte.
In college I would have two or three venti drinks a day. (I was in school full time and working two or three jobs). I have cut back drastically, but there is something comforting about holding a hot drink in my hand with boots and a scarf on. Winter warmth in a cup! I'm a Starbucks girl... I love the consistency, the conveniences factor... But I do love local coffee shops and have a beautifully hand crafted awesomeness in a mug. Since moving to SW Portland we have found some local coffee shops to work at and have meetings at. But our pocketbook is shrinking, we have been spending a lot of money on coffee.
So, the other day we got home from going to look at Christmas lights. There was a big box at our front door. We thought it was for Zach cause he told us he ordered some stuff from Starbucks. We opened the box and saw the new Starbucks Verismo machine. We were wondering why Zach bought the machine... And then thought maybe someone bought us a gift and then saw the letter at the bottom and realized that Joel won the machine. We were on Pinterest and pinned a pic of the machine as one of Starbuck's promos and didn't think twice about it. We aren't the lucky type when it comes to winning raffles, contests and free stuff.
So, this last week the box has been sitting in our kitchen. We were really excited that we won it, but didn't know if it would really save us money. We thought about putting it on craigslist or giving it away. We own a kerig pod coffee machine and ended up not buying any more pods. (Anyone looking to buy one?) We found that Bed, Bath and Beyond sells the pods and we can use their coupons. We would only buy the espresso pods cause we have an awesome milk steamer thing we got last year for Christmas from Pete's Coffee. It turns out to be about 80 cents a cup so I'm saving about $2.75!
Anyways, we are keeping the machine and I made my first caramel macchiato this morning and it was heavenly! It was fast, easy and tasty! Here's to homemade lattes!!
In college I would have two or three venti drinks a day. (I was in school full time and working two or three jobs). I have cut back drastically, but there is something comforting about holding a hot drink in my hand with boots and a scarf on. Winter warmth in a cup! I'm a Starbucks girl... I love the consistency, the conveniences factor... But I do love local coffee shops and have a beautifully hand crafted awesomeness in a mug. Since moving to SW Portland we have found some local coffee shops to work at and have meetings at. But our pocketbook is shrinking, we have been spending a lot of money on coffee.
So, the other day we got home from going to look at Christmas lights. There was a big box at our front door. We thought it was for Zach cause he told us he ordered some stuff from Starbucks. We opened the box and saw the new Starbucks Verismo machine. We were wondering why Zach bought the machine... And then thought maybe someone bought us a gift and then saw the letter at the bottom and realized that Joel won the machine. We were on Pinterest and pinned a pic of the machine as one of Starbuck's promos and didn't think twice about it. We aren't the lucky type when it comes to winning raffles, contests and free stuff.
So, this last week the box has been sitting in our kitchen. We were really excited that we won it, but didn't know if it would really save us money. We thought about putting it on craigslist or giving it away. We own a kerig pod coffee machine and ended up not buying any more pods. (Anyone looking to buy one?) We found that Bed, Bath and Beyond sells the pods and we can use their coupons. We would only buy the espresso pods cause we have an awesome milk steamer thing we got last year for Christmas from Pete's Coffee. It turns out to be about 80 cents a cup so I'm saving about $2.75!
Anyways, we are keeping the machine and I made my first caramel macchiato this morning and it was heavenly! It was fast, easy and tasty! Here's to homemade lattes!!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Day 7: Not a Baby Anymore
Addysen is 8 months old today. She's not a baby anymore. Addysen is a little girl. She's very mobile. She's very vocal. She knows what she wants and usually is yellin out momma mum mum. Meaning it's time to nurse. Nothing else consoles her... The pacifier won't buy me another few minutes. She is a very determined little person. She will do anything to get to a toy she wants or our dinner. Haha! I love her to pieces and can't believe how fast time has been flying by. I already wrote a whole post on Addysen but I wanted to wish her a happy 8 months. Had a mini photo shoot with her today. She is too fast for me to take her pics solo. But I think I got a few pictures. Enjoy! I am gonna go cuddle with my baby (that's not a baby anymore) before she doesn't want to cuddle anymore or is just too big for me to hold.

Thursday, December 6, 2012
Day 6: Wired to Make Christmas Crafts
Kaden is a pretty well rounded kid. He had four adults living and raising him at a pretty forming age. The To-Banker house is what we called it.
Joel gave kaden the love of food. He also got most of the sports stuff from Joel. (Except baseball cause Joel thinks its boring and soccer cause Zach LOVES soccer so he passed that onto kaden.)
I gave kaden the organizing and crafty side. He's also a darn good baker. But boy can the kid put the right toys in the correctly marked boxes. :)
Uncle Zach definitely gave him the passion for soccer. The Timbers especially which we already talked about on day 2. And he passed on his love for ice cream.
Mei Mei gave kaden the love for the outdoors. (Although he doesn't like it TOO hot... That's totally my influence. Haha) kaden also got the love of books from Amanda. Also the adventurous spirit is from her too.
So... Why not hone in on our strengths when it comes time to be at home with the kids. On Tuesday I thought it was funny that when I asked kaden if he wanted to go to open gym he said no. He wanted to stay home and organize and do chores. (His words, not mine...weird kid, i know!) He also wanted to work on his crafts. We are trying to get some Christmas presents out. I had a proud "atta boy!" moment, but knew he would really enjoy the outing. I'm sure if Joel or Zach would have asked him he would have been all over going. I promised we would work on some craft projects when we got back and he decided to go. It was so much fun for him. But when we did get home he went straight to the Christmas paper. The cotton ball snowman, the Santa plate face, the stickers and the glue were all over the place. He also had a ton of fun. But what he enjoys the most is when he can incorporate all the elements into one. When his drawings are after a soccer match and he documents the score. He has learned how to spell Timbers without a cheat sheet. But he makes it look all pretty with stickers and markers. Or when he can bake cookies and decorate them green and gold for the timbers. Haha!
I'm thankful he likes to do so many different things. But I love how he's so passionate about whatever he's doing. I am learning that passion should continue into adulthood. That things are just more fun when we don't go through life Ho-Hum about our jobs, our families, our spouse, our whatever but that we are enjoying what we have and find meaning in them. I want to continue to learn new things to make myself be more well rounded and enjoy the things I might not naturally lean towards. What are you naturally gifted at? And what things are you wanting to learn and grow to be a little more well-rounded? I am thankful for the time living in community.... Especially for my kids. I need a good community around me to display to me and my family the other stuff I'm not naturally wired to do or be.
But we can create one crazy looking cotton ball snow man together!!! Hahha! Kaden got a little carried away with the buttons. :) hope you had a great day and that you got to do something that you love!
Joel gave kaden the love of food. He also got most of the sports stuff from Joel. (Except baseball cause Joel thinks its boring and soccer cause Zach LOVES soccer so he passed that onto kaden.)
I gave kaden the organizing and crafty side. He's also a darn good baker. But boy can the kid put the right toys in the correctly marked boxes. :)
Uncle Zach definitely gave him the passion for soccer. The Timbers especially which we already talked about on day 2. And he passed on his love for ice cream.
Mei Mei gave kaden the love for the outdoors. (Although he doesn't like it TOO hot... That's totally my influence. Haha) kaden also got the love of books from Amanda. Also the adventurous spirit is from her too.
So... Why not hone in on our strengths when it comes time to be at home with the kids. On Tuesday I thought it was funny that when I asked kaden if he wanted to go to open gym he said no. He wanted to stay home and organize and do chores. (His words, not mine...weird kid, i know!) He also wanted to work on his crafts. We are trying to get some Christmas presents out. I had a proud "atta boy!" moment, but knew he would really enjoy the outing. I'm sure if Joel or Zach would have asked him he would have been all over going. I promised we would work on some craft projects when we got back and he decided to go. It was so much fun for him. But when we did get home he went straight to the Christmas paper. The cotton ball snowman, the Santa plate face, the stickers and the glue were all over the place. He also had a ton of fun. But what he enjoys the most is when he can incorporate all the elements into one. When his drawings are after a soccer match and he documents the score. He has learned how to spell Timbers without a cheat sheet. But he makes it look all pretty with stickers and markers. Or when he can bake cookies and decorate them green and gold for the timbers. Haha!
I'm thankful he likes to do so many different things. But I love how he's so passionate about whatever he's doing. I am learning that passion should continue into adulthood. That things are just more fun when we don't go through life Ho-Hum about our jobs, our families, our spouse, our whatever but that we are enjoying what we have and find meaning in them. I want to continue to learn new things to make myself be more well rounded and enjoy the things I might not naturally lean towards. What are you naturally gifted at? And what things are you wanting to learn and grow to be a little more well-rounded? I am thankful for the time living in community.... Especially for my kids. I need a good community around me to display to me and my family the other stuff I'm not naturally wired to do or be.
But we can create one crazy looking cotton ball snow man together!!! Hahha! Kaden got a little carried away with the buttons. :) hope you had a great day and that you got to do something that you love!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Day 5: Advent
The hustle and bustle of Christmas is all around us. I worked in retail for a third of my life that I am a little immune to the craziness. I actually miss it. I am a people pleaser so I actually enjoyed making my customers happy with a good product and great customer service. There was bad days, but overall I feel like I am who I am because of all those years working retail, especially during the holidays. But so often that's the first thing that comes to mind during Christmas. Being in that environment so long I let retail dictate when Christmas is. I anxiously wait for the Red cups to come out at Starbucks. And that's when Christmas season starts. Hahah!
Growing up in an immigrant home we don't have a ton of traditions. Christmas was revolved around the church. We had choir practice, the play to practice for and all that jazz. We ate with the church and had presents at the church. We had presents at home, but it wasn't the focal high light or tradition. The only thing that's remotely traditional is the box of See's chocolate candy. ALWAYS. :)
So, when Joel and I had Kaden we talked about what traditions we wanted to start in our home. But it wasn't more than just a conversation. We spend the week of Christmas in Seattle so we just try to hang out with as many friends and family as possible. I did buy a Christmas kids book last year and read that to kaden and Chloe before we opened presents. Chloe wasn't so interested. I think more than anything kaden was very confused last year why it didn't snow on Christmas. He said it wasn't Christmas yet. He's lucked out cause all the years prior its snowed on Christmas and the one year we celebrated on thanksgiving (cause we went to Vietnam over Christmas) and it actually snowed on thanksgiving. But he is at an age he knows what's going on and we want him to know its not about the gifts around the tree. But it's about celebrating and anticipating the arrival of baby Jesus.
Today I had the privilege to hang with several moms at the preschool Kaden attends. We talked about parenting and discipline, etc. Then at the end we talked about Christmas and what simple things we can do to recenter our families on Jesus. So here are some fun ways I heard today... One was to wait in the hall and wait for their kid to wake up and have a candle lit. And when the kid would come out they would sing happy birthday to Jesus and blow out the candle. One was to take Joseph and Mary from the nativity scene and hide them throughout the house daily and the kids would have to find them every day. As Joseph and Mary journeyed on their long trip to Bethlehem. And Christmas Eve they would be found in the manger and then Christmas morning you would find baby Jesus in the manger. One was to write all the names of Jesus out on ornaments or paper and unwrap a new one every day or week leading up to Christmas and talk about how he's the mighty god, wonderful counselor, prince of peace, etc. Another was to give gifts to Jesus first. There's so many more... Advent readings and bible stories. I desire that not only my kids are focusing in on Jesus and why he came into this world but also I'm a very tactile person and want my heart centered too. What fun Christmas traditions do you have in your family or what will you be starting?
I think I want to bake Jesus a birthday cake this year. May you be able to take a deep breathe and slow down and be able to reflect about the true meaning of this season. Merry Christmas!
Growing up in an immigrant home we don't have a ton of traditions. Christmas was revolved around the church. We had choir practice, the play to practice for and all that jazz. We ate with the church and had presents at the church. We had presents at home, but it wasn't the focal high light or tradition. The only thing that's remotely traditional is the box of See's chocolate candy. ALWAYS. :)
So, when Joel and I had Kaden we talked about what traditions we wanted to start in our home. But it wasn't more than just a conversation. We spend the week of Christmas in Seattle so we just try to hang out with as many friends and family as possible. I did buy a Christmas kids book last year and read that to kaden and Chloe before we opened presents. Chloe wasn't so interested. I think more than anything kaden was very confused last year why it didn't snow on Christmas. He said it wasn't Christmas yet. He's lucked out cause all the years prior its snowed on Christmas and the one year we celebrated on thanksgiving (cause we went to Vietnam over Christmas) and it actually snowed on thanksgiving. But he is at an age he knows what's going on and we want him to know its not about the gifts around the tree. But it's about celebrating and anticipating the arrival of baby Jesus.
Today I had the privilege to hang with several moms at the preschool Kaden attends. We talked about parenting and discipline, etc. Then at the end we talked about Christmas and what simple things we can do to recenter our families on Jesus. So here are some fun ways I heard today... One was to wait in the hall and wait for their kid to wake up and have a candle lit. And when the kid would come out they would sing happy birthday to Jesus and blow out the candle. One was to take Joseph and Mary from the nativity scene and hide them throughout the house daily and the kids would have to find them every day. As Joseph and Mary journeyed on their long trip to Bethlehem. And Christmas Eve they would be found in the manger and then Christmas morning you would find baby Jesus in the manger. One was to write all the names of Jesus out on ornaments or paper and unwrap a new one every day or week leading up to Christmas and talk about how he's the mighty god, wonderful counselor, prince of peace, etc. Another was to give gifts to Jesus first. There's so many more... Advent readings and bible stories. I desire that not only my kids are focusing in on Jesus and why he came into this world but also I'm a very tactile person and want my heart centered too. What fun Christmas traditions do you have in your family or what will you be starting?
I think I want to bake Jesus a birthday cake this year. May you be able to take a deep breathe and slow down and be able to reflect about the true meaning of this season. Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Day 4: Superman and Wonder Woman
When Joel and I were dating he always had a ton of Superman stuff: t-shirts, lunch box, hanging figurines from his rear view mirror. I had an obsession with Wonder Woman. She had an invisible jet, super cool arm bands and awesome long black hair.
We spoke at a camp a few years ago and their thank you gift was a framed picture of Superman and Wonder Woman. But with our faces inserted in so it was us. Hahah!! It was awesome. Everyone signed the picture and it hung on our wall for the last few years. When we packed up to move it brought back so many memories of not only that particular camp, but all the friendships made along the way. Camps have a special place in my heart. That's where I met some of my very closest friends, that's where I met Joel. I miss attending camps, running camps and experiencing how God moves so evidently at these places. It's a very focused time away and intentional.
As Joel and I are going on 7 1/2 years being married and 12 years together as a couple we realized that we too need some focused time together and to be very intentional in our relationship, centered on Jesus. Joel's sister and brother-in-law model such great values to us and they made it a point to find another couple with kids and once a month they watch their friends' kids and their friends go on a date and then they switch the follow week. So, Joel and I thought that would be a great plan. We asked John and CJ if they were up for the date night challenge and I think it's been a great plan. Our kids play very well together so when we are babysitting its actually a break for the parents that are watching the kids too cause they entertain each other. We are only on our second month but don't see why we would stop such a win-win-win situation. :)
I am very thankful for Joel. We are not the types to be PDA with words or actions. But I guess once in a blue moon blogging about how cool my husband is wouldn't kill me. Lol! I am proud of the man of God he is. Especially since he stopped running away from his calling. Missio has been sooo good for us and seeing him learn, grow and be stretched as a leader and pastor. He's a great father to Kaden and Addysen. They light up when he enters the room. They love playing with him and doing the every day stuff with him. He's an awesome husband. He knows when I need a good cup of coffee or a family outing. He's a great friend to me and to many out there. He's full of wisdom and care that I admire. He's my Superman! :) Okay... Get the point? He's pretty rad and I am thankful for him. Here's to many many many more years of this crazy journey together.
We spoke at a camp a few years ago and their thank you gift was a framed picture of Superman and Wonder Woman. But with our faces inserted in so it was us. Hahah!! It was awesome. Everyone signed the picture and it hung on our wall for the last few years. When we packed up to move it brought back so many memories of not only that particular camp, but all the friendships made along the way. Camps have a special place in my heart. That's where I met some of my very closest friends, that's where I met Joel. I miss attending camps, running camps and experiencing how God moves so evidently at these places. It's a very focused time away and intentional.
As Joel and I are going on 7 1/2 years being married and 12 years together as a couple we realized that we too need some focused time together and to be very intentional in our relationship, centered on Jesus. Joel's sister and brother-in-law model such great values to us and they made it a point to find another couple with kids and once a month they watch their friends' kids and their friends go on a date and then they switch the follow week. So, Joel and I thought that would be a great plan. We asked John and CJ if they were up for the date night challenge and I think it's been a great plan. Our kids play very well together so when we are babysitting its actually a break for the parents that are watching the kids too cause they entertain each other. We are only on our second month but don't see why we would stop such a win-win-win situation. :)
I am very thankful for Joel. We are not the types to be PDA with words or actions. But I guess once in a blue moon blogging about how cool my husband is wouldn't kill me. Lol! I am proud of the man of God he is. Especially since he stopped running away from his calling. Missio has been sooo good for us and seeing him learn, grow and be stretched as a leader and pastor. He's a great father to Kaden and Addysen. They light up when he enters the room. They love playing with him and doing the every day stuff with him. He's an awesome husband. He knows when I need a good cup of coffee or a family outing. He's a great friend to me and to many out there. He's full of wisdom and care that I admire. He's my Superman! :) Okay... Get the point? He's pretty rad and I am thankful for him. Here's to many many many more years of this crazy journey together.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Day 3: Addysen on the move!
Here I thought Kaden grew up super fast, but things seem to be going at super speed with Addysen. I thought time would drag being at home all day... But boy was I wrong. I barely blink and its already 5pm. The day just flies by. I'm not sure if its the juggling of the two kids or my "to do" list is really not attainable, but whatever it is the reality is Addysen is turning 8 months this week. EIGHT MONTHS!!!! I finally got around to printing the thousands of pics I have taken of Addysen and filled her monthly frame... Only five empty little openings on the frame left. I think that put perspective on how fast this little girl is growing. Not sure her actual specs but she's more than 15.5 lbs, and longer than 27 inches. Hahah! She's crawling super fast, pulling herself up on everything, and trying to cruise along furniture. She's trying to get down clapping and her sign language. She can wave but usually gets shy and will do it when you walk away. Her giggles are contagious and her eyes... they captivate anyone that walks by. She is the sweetest thing until she wants one of her brother's toys. Haha! My favorite thing she does right now is that she "sings" herself to sleep. As we rock her and pat her big cloth diaper bum she sings. Kaden thinks she's singing jingle bells...we are very thankful for this gift. It has been so fun to watch Addysen grow and see her personality come out. My heart is overflowing with love. I can't even comprehend how God views and loves us. He calls us his children and loves us with an unconditional love. It's so comforting to be able to rest in that hope.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Day 2: Timber Kaden
Day two of blogging for 31 days...
Our housemates, Zach and Amanda (we call her Mei Mei) moved to China but they left a legacy behind: Kaden's crazy love for soccer!!! He lives and breaths soccer. He wants us to play everyday with him. He chants the Portland Timber Army cheers as he's roaming around the house. He has his cars "play" soccer. Seriously, this child is obsessed.
He will run into the house after school and put on his soccer gear. (Good thing we bought him a few jerseys and uniforms when we were in Vietnam and Zach & Mei Mei bought a few more when they came home this summer.) but I do have to do laundry every few days to make sure his soccer clothes are clean.... Cause that boy can sweat! I've got to admit he's got pretty good control over the ball.
Before he starts playing he sets the game up. Here's his speech: "I'm Portland Timbers. I'm wearing green and gold. And red and white. I'm Diké and Zizzo. And we are playing at Jeld-Wen. Who are you?" Then it's our turn to choose our team, our colors and players. It's serious business. Tonight as Kaden and Joel were playing here's their funny conversation:
K: what team are you?
J: batman and robin.
K: what color are you?
J: I don't know.
K: I think you're pink and blue.
J: huh?
K: cause that's what color Baskin and Robins is!
Funny kid. So, here's some pics of the little soccer star. And there's a million drawings on my phone of the letter "t" and attempts to write "timbers" but he runs out of room. (he steals my phone and there's all sorts of self portraits and videos).
I wish I still have this sort of passion and joy everyday! My kids are constantly teaching and reminding me to love to live. Hope you find joy in the things that you love!
Our housemates, Zach and Amanda (we call her Mei Mei) moved to China but they left a legacy behind: Kaden's crazy love for soccer!!! He lives and breaths soccer. He wants us to play everyday with him. He chants the Portland Timber Army cheers as he's roaming around the house. He has his cars "play" soccer. Seriously, this child is obsessed.
He will run into the house after school and put on his soccer gear. (Good thing we bought him a few jerseys and uniforms when we were in Vietnam and Zach & Mei Mei bought a few more when they came home this summer.) but I do have to do laundry every few days to make sure his soccer clothes are clean.... Cause that boy can sweat! I've got to admit he's got pretty good control over the ball.
Before he starts playing he sets the game up. Here's his speech: "I'm Portland Timbers. I'm wearing green and gold. And red and white. I'm Diké and Zizzo. And we are playing at Jeld-Wen. Who are you?" Then it's our turn to choose our team, our colors and players. It's serious business. Tonight as Kaden and Joel were playing here's their funny conversation:
K: what team are you?
J: batman and robin.
K: what color are you?
J: I don't know.
K: I think you're pink and blue.
J: huh?
K: cause that's what color Baskin and Robins is!
Funny kid. So, here's some pics of the little soccer star. And there's a million drawings on my phone of the letter "t" and attempts to write "timbers" but he runs out of room. (he steals my phone and there's all sorts of self portraits and videos).
I wish I still have this sort of passion and joy everyday! My kids are constantly teaching and reminding me to love to live. Hope you find joy in the things that you love!
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