Friday, November 21, 2008

Silent Night... Holy Night...

As many of you know Kaden is very advanced in a lot of areas. Hitting his "milestones" earlier than what the books say. EXCEPT for sleeping through the night. We have so many friends' kids that have been sleeping through the night since they were three months old. The books say that a child SHOULD be sleeping through the night by six months. We tried every trick... and nothing seemed to get him out of his waking every three hours thinking he's STARVING! Hehhee!!! 

Last night was a good sign! Kaden "slept" through the night. He went six hours straight sleep from 8 pm-2 am. Woke up to eat and I put him back in his crib...and he woke up. We usually pick him back up cause he cries and get him back to sleep. BUT this time around... he sat up in his crib, stood up, sat down... talked talked talked. Then laid down and fell asleep! He has NEVER put himself to sleep like that before. I wish we had one of those night vision cameras set up. Then the boy didn't wake up until 7 AM! I think he might have slept longer than that if we didn't get up and were getting ready for the day. This is a very good sign... and hopefully it keeps up! :-) 

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