Sunday, November 23, 2008

Home Made Baby Food

One thing that mommy and daddy like to do together is make baby's food. ;^)

Some of the advantages of making your own baby food is:
  1. You Know What's In It
  2. It's Cost Effective
  3. It's Fresh
  4. It's Organic
  5. More Variety
  6. It's Fun
On the menu tonight were peas, (they were neon green) yam, and sweet potatoes. In the past we have made pears, apples, yams, green beans, carrots, and avocados. So far Kaden's favorite seems to be the yams avocados, and pears. 

We will cook up the veggies and then blend them up. We have a Braun Wand food processor and we use the attachment to puree the veggies into nice baby food consistency. Then we take the mixture and plop it into ice cube trays most of the trays we used were Rubbermaid. Drop those in the freezer then when they are frozen pop the little cubes into nicely labeled "Ziplock" bags. (wow we should put adds on the side of this blog for all the product placement going on in this entry.)

When baby is ready to eat we take out some frozen treat and put them in a bowl. Microwave for a few seconds to melt it and then add a little hot water. Then we add some cereal in to thicken it up.

Kaden  has been eating so much lately. The other day he ate two cubes of green beans and two cubes of pears. When we started a month ago he barely finished one cube. The transition from milk to solids has also brought on the same transitions in the diapers if you know what we mean. ;^P

So this concludes Joel and Lisa's baby cooking segment, we are glad you joined us and hope you come again for more adventures in parenting.

If you have a chance check out Joel's new blog RaisingDaddy. We'll leave you with a cute video of the effects of eating too many solids for Kaden. 

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