Tuesday, November 18, 2008

7 Months!!!

Kaden is now seven months old! Joel has been working on some video stuff for our keepsakes and he started with us in the hospital and Kaden's birth. It's wild to see pictures of him that small. Every day Kaden's personality comes out more and more. It's fun to explore things with him, new tastes, smells, touches, sights. He loves boxes and bags: the sounds they make when he does different things to them. He loves food: he's definitely a To. He eats everything-peas, green beans, carrots, yams, avocados, pears, apples, bananas, all types of baby cereals. He's learning how to use his pincher fingers to pick up snacks. Our favorite time right now is when he wakes up in the morning and is in such a playful mood. We lay in bed and play peek a boo with the covers...and he just laughs and laughs and laughs! It's so fun! (Especially when momma gets to stay in bed for a long time and not have to get up and go to work). This happens in the morning and right before bed time. Kaden gets the giggles and it's just so fun to play with him at this age. He's pretty technologically savvy... we have been video chatting with aunties, uncles, grandmas and friends... he loves to see himself on the computer!!! He's kinda weary of the phone still... I think he likes the fact that he can see someone through the computer and can't see them on through the phone. :-) Some fun seven month facts: Crawling, pulling himself up on things, taking a few steps holding on to stuff, eating solids, weighs over 18lbs, length of more than 26 inches, nicknames: chubbahwub, chubbabah, bubbah. Says dada and some other nonsense... loves his froggy! Loves you! 

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