I know normally you are kept in the dark about who is writing.
Even though I'm sure you can figure out who is writing because
mine and Lisa's styles are so different.
Anyway, I'm wondering if it's weird that I visit this blog regularly
just to look at Kaden's pictures. My son is so stinking cute.
(He must get it from his mother...)
Seriously I come back to this blog at least once or twice
just to look at my boy. Even though I am home with him
and can look at him live!
Life is so fun with him. Lisa and I will lay on the bed with him
and poke him and prod him to make him smile
and it never gets old. It is such an amazing experience.
I wonder if that is how God is with us.
Does he just look at us and get that warm feeling inside?
I hope so... I hope God just takes pleasure in gazing at us and watching us smile.
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