Sunday, July 27, 2008

Just Keep Rolling!!!

Being parents has many joys... One of our favorites is hearing and seeing Kaden laugh. He is such a happy baby. Even when he is crying he will crack a smile.

Another joy is watching him develop into a little person.
Being that Lisa majored in Sociology and Joel's undergrad was
Human Development and Family Science; we just love
to see our choice of studies come to life. (yeah a little geeky)

Kaden has just learned to roll from his back to his tummy!
So now he can roll over both ways. We can't just leave him anymore... we really have to watch him.

Check it out... These videos are the best!

Lisa tries to make him roll, but he gets the giggles.
(this video's a little long {3 min.} but worth it!)

Then he start to roll after we shut off the camera.

You gotta get one of these if you don't have one yet!
haa haaa....

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Omg!! So stinkin' cute!!