Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tomorrow Tomorrow!

Kaden is doing great! The docs turned off all the blue lights and unplugged all the IVs and most of the other cords... they want to have him in the ICU today and take another count tomorrow morning. This morning his count went down to 11. So, he's going to be ready to go home tomorrow. YEAH!!! He's been eating so well today. We got to hold him and he's been awake for a lot of the day playing, looking around... grandma got to come in for a little bit and hold him too. Grandma is getting bored at our house, she's doing all the laundry, dishes, cooking up a storm!

Kaden found out today that he will be having more boys to play with... Auntie Jen and Uncle Bryan went to the hospital today to have baby Elias. Not sure if he's out yet... Uncle Jackson and Auntie Aimee just found out they are having a boy in September. Yeah for boys... we might be spending more time in the hospital in the future... if they decide to jump off things and be boys and make trouble...hahha!

Right now, Joel and Kaden are napping together... they are so cute. Even when they are both snoring! :-) They are a lot alike already! Like father like son. So Fun!

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