Saturday, February 7, 2009

Urban Hiking

We are not very out-door-sy people... we love the city though! So today the sun was out and we wanted to take a walk... so, normal people would go to the park... but we packed up the boy and headed towards the city to walk around downtown! There's so much people watching to do down in Portland! We love it!!! Kaden loves to people watch... he actually stares! It is embarrassing sometimes... cause people don't know how to respond to his staring! You can definitely tell who are baby people and who don't know what to do! :-) Anyways... it's interesting! I feel that we get more comments from strangers now in passing than we ever did before! I think if we had a dog it would even be twice as much!!! Hhaha!!! Kaden loves the comments and the smiles. He smiles back and stares!!! At least he isn't talking yet and says random things to strangers! I think that will be entertaining! So... here are some pictures of our little urban boy! Anyone wants to pay us to have Kaden as a model??? :-) Hhehee!!! 

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