Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kaden 10 Months!!!

Kaden is 10 months old!!! Only 59 more days until his first birthday!!! Wow! 

25 Random Facts about Kaden:
1. Weighs 21 pounds
2. 29 inches tall
3. Loves his froggy
4. Favorite toy is his music table thing Auntie Lori and Uncle Kai bought him for Christmas
5. Takes 10 oz of formula at night... 8 oz during the day!
6. Will not hold his own bottle 
7. Sings himself to bed (hums)
8. Has pooped on the toilet 4 or 5 times... we put him on there every morning
9. Has six teeth... two came in on his 10th month birthday!
10. loves to eat "puffs" and hates cheerios
11. Dances when there's music on 
12. ALWAYS does his "tricks" when people look away
13. Thinks webcam is the greatest thing!
14. Will jet off crawling when he's naked... he likes to be naked!
15. Loves brushing his own teeth
16. Has gotten used to taking showers with us, but prefers playing in the tub
17. Plays peek a boo, even if it's just with himself and a blanket
18. loves to play chase and will tease and call for us until we chase him
19. does amazingly well on car rides/trips
20. calls out for "dadda" when he's bored
21. Calls out for "momma" when he's hungry or when dadda is changing him
22. likes to wake up to eat in the middle of the night, but it's getting better
23. enjoys pushing anything that will hold him up across the room
24. tries to put on random things on his head like hats
25. loves to go to church and play with his buddies in the nursery! 

Happy 10 months to Kaden!!!!

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