Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Who Knows Best?

Kaden is becoming the little man... he for the most part is a very good kid... he has his moments where he is testing the waters to see if and when we will give in. Lately he's been fighting us at bedtime. We have tried the bedtime routine thing... bath, book, bottle, bed. But he screams at the bottle part. He's hungry and restless but doesn't want to take the bottle. He will take it at all other hours of the day... but at night he wants to nurse... but we are trying to wean him from nursing... so, the first shift is the bottle. 

As I was in the midst of this power struggle with him... and when he finally took the bottle, devoured it and fell fast asleep... I was praying for him and for me and my patience and parenting... God helped me to see how many times I have been restless and needing to be fed...but I would fight it and fight it and when I finally gave in... I could finally rest in my father's arms. As a parent we know what's best for our kids...Kaden doesn't know that he is fussing cause he's sitting in a diaper of crap... but knows he's uncomfortable. He will cry and cry when we go to change his diaper...but is all better when we are done changing it. 

I pray that I will learn to surrender to my Father in Heaven... and that he knows what's best for me. That he will take the crap out of my life and fills me with his food that is good for my soul. That I will not fight him but allow him into my life daily... this year brings a lot of unknowns... Joel is finishing school by April. Lisa has a busy work quarter in front of her... Kaden will be one in no time... we don't know what's next. But we do know that we must surrender any plans we have to God and allow him to show us what's best for our family! 

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