Sunday, January 11, 2009


Kaden is 9 Months OLD!!! Wow... he's officially been outside the womb longer than being inside of it! ;-) He has slowed down on his weight gain due to being so stinkin' mobile! (he lost some weight when he was sick for a month too) He crawls everywhere! He tries to get to places faster that he does the Hunch Back of Notre Dame scoot across the room! Someone asked once if there was something wrong with his leg!!! He's still 20 lbs! 28 1/2 inches long! He is wearing 12 month clothes. He eats almost all veggies and fruit (nothing citrus yet). He has started baby yogurt and loves to feed himself anything he can like crackers, puff snacks, veggies, bread, etc. He loves to chatter to himself and make lots of music with anything he can find: boxes, bags, clapping, etc. He can wave, high five, clap, dance, sing... we think he can say "all done"... and throws his hands in the air! :-) He loves to call out for his dadda! He stands and walks around while holding onto things... he loves when we hold his hands and he can walk around. He observes things, you can see his eyes processing how things work... what people are doing... how he can get any sort of expression or reaction from people. It's getting kind of embarrassing when he full on stares at people in restaurants, at the mall, or where ever we may be. He loves the camera! :-) His mommy has taught him well! He has four teeth now... and we think a few more coming in! He chews on everything. Kaden has such personality and we love watching him learn new things daily! This is such a fun age of exploring and learning how things work! We hope that we can direct him towards Jesus and the things of God! Thanks for praying for us and with us these last 9 months... please continue to keep us in your prayers, that we can keep parenting according to how God has called us to parent. That we will love God, love each other, love Kaden and love others. Happy 9 months of life Kaden!!!

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