Tuesday, September 20, 2011

9 Weeks

The baby is my belly is 9 weeks along...I feel like I am 14 weeks along... hahaha! My belly definitely grew faster than with Kaden. I don't think I was showing until I was like 16 weeks with Kaden. I need to go shopping for bigger pants already. Has anyone used the belly band? Might be an option to keep my clothes until I HAVE to wear maternity clothes. :)

I feel pretty good, just really tired all the time. Sleep is hard to come by... when I do sleep I have FUNKY dreams all night! I wake up feeling like I just fell asleep and coffee hasn't sounded good to me... I know I can drink a cup a day but it just doesn't sound appealing. So... no coffee and no sleep... makes for a very zombie like Lisa.

Morning sickness hasn't really been a problem... I didn't have much with Kaden either. I get nauseous here and there but I remember I have to eat and then immediately feel better. That's so backwards to me, feeling nauseous makes me NOT want to eat, but I have to force myself to get something down, because I KNOW I will feel better...

My memory is SHOT! I try sooooo hard to remember things... but before I can even grab a piece of paper to write whatever that's important down to remember and reference... I have already forgotten what I was going to write down. :*( I left ice cream out last night and have the most grace-filled husband who just puts it away without making it a big deal. Hahha!

Other than that... I love this growing baby in my belly! Kaden kisses my belly and tells me it's a girl. Do kids have a sixth sense we don't know about??? Hhaha! Either that or he's going to be super disappointed if it's a boy. I am sure he will be excited regardless once he sees the baby. A few people I know had babies this last week and it makes me that much more excited to meet mine in 216ish days. It has a lot of growing to do before that day... and I will wait and I know that the time will aslo fly by sooooo fast.

Sorry no belly pictures... I forgot to upload them to my computer. Happy 9 weeks little grape sized baby inside me!

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