Friday, May 28, 2010

Carnival Excitement!

Carnival season is in full bloom in the To household. If you didn't know, Joel's parents have a food cart and sell bento, teriyaki, egg-rolls, all that kinda yumminess! They have been doing it since Joel was 8. The To family are experts in all things cooking and all knowing in the carnival world. They can recite acts they have seen day in and day out at the county fair. They can tell you who owns which booths, which to eat at and what to stay away from. They trade and barter food like their lives depended on it. I (lisa) was lucky enough to marry into this wonderful family. I actually think it's fun to work at the fair...but again, I didn't have to do it since I was 8. It's a lot of hard work and long hours.This week Joel is helping his parents at the Rose Festival. It's their first year there... and you know what comes along with the Rose Festival in Portland is RAIN!!!'s the joke of the city that it ALWAYS rains for the major events of the festival. So... my brave husband is working in the rain... and the hard work is much harder when there is not a lot of people at the carnival and muddy working conditions.
The To-Banker (plus Kristina) family decided to go down to opening night at the waterfront village to support the family and see Grandma and Daddy. (and for some yummy dinner). We decided to take the Choo Choo MAX down there so we wouldn't have to find parking and pay. BEST IDEA of the week! Kaden loved every minute of being on the light rail. He waved at every other MAX passing by... he said BYE BYE every time we pulled out of the stop... he was adorable.
So, we got down there and walked around a bit, ate some dinner, walked around and awed at the rides that were going FAST FAST! And then walked around a bit downtown looking for some coffee to warm ourselves up...but didn't see any in close radius. So, we got back on the Choo Choo MAX. Kaden was kinda sad cause we passed the MAX station and didn't get on... he moped for a block until we said we were going to get on the MAX and he got a bounce in his step again!

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