Friday, April 9, 2010


Happy second birthday Kaden!!! (in an hour) Wow... we have a two year old. Our really good friends, Mike and Liz had their baby this week and that just brought back so many memories of waiting for Kaden to arrive and the first few weeks.... months... and seeing the little baby and looking at my big baby! Kaden has been growing leaps and bounds... he keeps hitting his head on the kitchen counter and tables... his vocabulary has been growing leaps and bounds too. His words are getting more and more clear every day! I do double takes sometimes hearing him use his words. He's been so fun and has a great imagination, especially when he's playing with his cars or trains. He loves books! (or he likes to stall before bed time with books) Just kidding... sometimes we find him in his room reading his book to himself with sound effects and all! :) We have him on "your baby can read" program... yeah...all those informercials-we haven't seen an informercial-but we came across the program and thought it looked interesting... we think it works... Kaden can read a good 10 words... then he becomes silly and just says that all the words we are pointing to is "hi". That's his default!!! :)

It's been such a delight to be Kaden's parents. And are very thankful that there are MANY people in Kaden's world that love him and pray for him and care for him... Tonight when we were praying and I said "Amen" kaden looked at me and said "More Jesus"... so, I prayed some more...that melted my heart! Time sure flies when you have a little one! I am so very grateful for every minute we have with him... the good, the sad, the terrible twos! :) And to answer the famous question now: NO... we are not having another kiddo soon! :) Unless you can find Joel a job! hahahah!!! So, if you love Kaden and want more little Tos running around... find him a job! hehehhe! Alright... here's some pictures of Kaden opening some early birthday presents! (I love his cheesy smile!!! It makes me laugh every time!)
Happy Birthday Kaden... we love you very much! May God show you "more Jesus" every day of your life and that you fall deeply in love with him, like He is with you!

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