Sunday, February 7, 2010

Children's Museum

Kaden has been soaking up new information/vocabulary like a sponge. We have heard how cool the Children's Museum in Portland is and wanted to take him there. It's a little spendy... but our trusty housemate, who loves a good bargain, found out that the first friday of the month the Children's Museum is FREE!!! The first Tuesday of the month the zoo is only $2... and I thought that was a good deal!!! :) So, after work, Joel and Amanda picked me up from work and Zach took the MAX there... we spent a good two hours exploring new sights and sounds... we played in the Clifford, the dog, exhibit...
went grocery shopping... played in an ambulance... worked on some construction... sculpted some clay... made some music... played with some trains... and hung out with Dadda, Momma, Auntie Amanda, and Uncle Zach. It was a great evening had by all... no melt downs, no fighting with other kids, no whining or anything-Just lots of fun! We would take him back... not sure we would pay full price, but he loved it and he learned new fun things that night!

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