Saturday, November 7, 2009

H-A-double L-O-W-double E-N

There were several festivities we were a part of this year for Halloween. The week before our church, Mosaic, had a Halloween party with lots of games, treats, and cute little kiddos running around. Then we spend the actual Halloween weekend up in Seattle. We did the first trick or treating around Auntie April's neighborhood, then went to Lisa's parents church for a harvest party and then ended the night at Grandma and Grandpa's neighborhood for some additional trick or treating... we really only visited the three neighboring houses to say hi to the neighbors that Lisa grew up with.

Kaden was a little freaked out with the scary ghosts and goblins, the flashing lights, and witch cackling. Every other house was a good house with nice pumpkins and the others were met with a crying toddler. Kaden did have a good time seeing other kids running around and he likes candy...oops! He spent the first part of the night with a new friend, Hadriel and ended the night with his buddy, Kaleb! Overall fun weekend...

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