Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sleeping in his own room

Everyone has different sleep habits with their children and different things work for different people. We have been very fortunate from day one that Kaden has been a great baby.

We had him in our room in a co-sleeper attached to the side of our bed for the first two months and then he moved into the top of a pack in play and then eventually into a crib. But by the morning shift he would always end up in bed with us. (not because he was fussy or anything, it was a lazy, want to cuddle with him sort of deal).

We would feed him when he stirred and started to cry... and he started to ween himself, sort of. He would go from eating every three hours to four or five hour stretches. Even times of six or seven. But then something would happen... teething, sickness, etc and would revert back to every three...or four hours of eating. We tried giving him sippy cups of milk, bottle of water... and he would continue to stir until he got a bottle of milk. He never full on whaled for anything, but just enough whining and stirring to keep us (well...more Lisa than Joel) awake. Since, Lisa was the one working... it was much easier to just make the bottle and have him in bed with us.

He's getting so darn big that he takes over the bed and kicks us to the edges. order to get a full night sleep now... we had to come up with a new game plan. Therefore: Kaden's crib got moved to his room and all his toys are in his room to make it really his room and not a guest room anymore. (Sorry for all you friends that have had the comfort of staying in there).

Friday night was the night so we would have the weekend to recover. We gave Kaden a bath, brushed his teeth, read a bunch of stories in his new Bible and listened to some Cold Play lullaby music. Put him in his crib with his bottle. After he finished his bottle he cried. We went in after 5 minutes, consoled him. Put him back down. He cried some more. This cycle happened for about 35 minutes. And finally silence. Could it be true? It only took less than 45 minutes to get him to bed? Saturday night... we got home from dinner and did the bed time routine and laid him down and he didn't want his bottle but cried instead. We closed the door...and crying for like 5 seconds.... and silence. I was kinda concerned because it was so quick... but checked in after a few minutes and the snoring was louder than the Cold Play lullaby music. Hopefully this is it.

Cheers... to good solid sleep! :)

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