Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow Suit

So... after the first arctic blast...Joel got cabin fever and so we had to venture to the mall. Good thing we did go because we found a steal of a deal!!! A snow suit for Kaden for only $15 at the children's place. Original price was like $45.  :-) YEAH!!! So, now Kaden will be all bundled up! We were going to venture up to Seattle for Christmas starting Saturday night due to a prior commitment we had until Saturday evening. But after hearing ALL the news reports of the next huge storm to come in Saturday we called in some favors and left Friday afternoon. Which was the BEST idea ever!!! We arrived in Seattle with no traffic and clear roads... but then it HIT! The snow fell and fell and fell!!! It didn't stop falling for almost 12 hours!!! And what do we have!?! A house full of family, food, and fun!!! We stayed up and watched the snow and played cards and other games until 2 am or so. (Kaden of course didn't stay up that late...) He went to bed at a ripe time of 7:30 PM. :-) Being snowed in with cousins and siblings and grandparents who change Kaden's dirty diapers... what else could one ask for??? :-) So... we are in Seattle... we will see how long we are here for! :-) Merry Christmas to all!!!