Saturday, August 30, 2008


Kaden had a good time on the plane sleeping and playing with other passengers.

Chillaxin on the beach!

Our first time at the beach...
Momma this is a little cold!!!

We had an opportunity to use our air miles and a free place to stay in Orange we decided to pack up the kid... and ALL of his stuff and head down to So Cal! Kaden did so good on the plane ride... barely cried or fussed! He's been enjoying all the good food!!! Okay...momma and dadda are enjoying all the good food... In 'N Out... amazing mexican food! And don't even get us started on how good the Asian stuff is!!! Fresh fruit... oh...this is the ideal vacation... We have awesome friends we haven't seen in a while...'s some pictures. Kaden's first plane ride and beach trip...

1 comment:

Andy said...

Cute kid Joel. Nice to hear from you. So you guys go to Mosaic? I went to a church planting seminary there a few years back.

Peace to you and your fam,