Here's this week's play by play with weaning Kaden off of his pacifier.
Monday: Binky "broke" and he didn't have a nap... and went down for bed pretty easily. He woke up in the middle of the night and SCREAMED for his "ti ti and goggy" and we said it was broken... and then he SCREAMED for his bottle... he didn't get that so, he screamed for "MOMMMA"! All this lasted about two hours... we got him settled down and in the morning he had a raspy voice like he smoked a pack of cigarettes.
Tuesday: Bottle also "broke". We realized that he was crying for his bottle because he knew that would soothe him... but didn't want to replace his binky for something we were already weaning him from. He was getting one bottle at night before bed. So... he was extra mad that it was broken. We got him to bed okay... and again he woke up in the middle of the night screaming MOMMA! That only lasted for one hour... and we got him back to bed.
Wednesday: Everyone said that it should only last three days... so... Kaden stopped asking for his binky or froggy or bottle... again, he went to bed fine... and like clockwork midnight struck and he started to cry. I went in and he fell back asleep almost immediately. We praised God! Third day!!! :) Lots of awesome things happen on the third day!
Thursday: We had a little relapse... but went back down pretty easily.
Friday: Joel left and that night was a little rough to go to bed, but once he fell asleep... he was out for the count.
Saturday: again... took a little coaxing to go to bed, but slept through... he asked for his binky and froggy once during the day... but after he was told it was broken... he didn't ask again. I thought he would want his binky that night cause we hung out with Jonah who has the same binky as Kaden... but he didn't.
So... we thought we were just trying to wean Kaden from just the pacifier...but it turned into the bottle and the froggy too. He doesn't look like a little baby anymore... here's to our big boy! Next: potty training...but I will wait for Joel to be back home to tackle that one!!! :)