Monday, February 28, 2011

The month of love...

The whirl wind we call the month of February... it seems to be when we think we are going to be able to slow down we get caught in a 99 mph storm that takes us to the next adventure and chapter in our lives. We have been getting more sabbath days in so we aren't going crazy. Some major happenings happened in February...

District Youth Conference (DYC) is my (Lisa's) biggest event of the year. All hands on deck in the office. I realized that this was my tenth DYC. I have been at the office for seven years now and volunteered to staff for three years before my hiring. I love this conference. I love high schooler's lives being changed and challenged. It was especially cool this year because my LYNNWOOD crew got to come down and experience the conference. My prayer for them (and the other students) is that they will be forever changed and learn to continually love God with all their hearts, soul, mind and love their neighbor as themselves.

I turned 31 in February. Thirty is such a milestone... thirty one just makes me feel old. I am IN my thirties. I remember when I turned fifteen and said I was half way to thirty, like it was the end of the world. I love being in my thirties... and celebrating it with 500 high schoolers at DYC is always fun! :) I felt very loved.
We kept pretty busy with DYC prep that it was hard to allow our minds and emotions grieve the loss of our beloved housemates to China. They accepted teaching positions in Beijing and left on Thursday, February 24. We spent some quality time the last few evenings they were in town... we took them to our favorite sushi place that we have raved about but never took them to. We had a family dinner with their closest friends the last night they were in town. I was surprised I held it together all night. But when the last person left, I LOST IT! I think I was holding it in that it had no where to go but sobbing tears and no words. Kaden knew there was something wrong... he was very cuddly that night. Thursday 4 AM came too soon... we packed up the CRV and headed to the airport in the SNOW! I am very thankful it was snowing... it made for a happy 2 1/2 year old, not a grumpy sleepless one at four am. :) It helped take the edge off... and I got the day off due to the snow or promise of snow. It was good to be at home without having to try to be someone productive on the day we lost our housemates.
It hasn't totally sunk in yet that they aren't coming home. The basement is cold and empty... the kiddo is a little bored with just the two of us to play with. The black hub (our dinning room table) is definitely lacking. I think the spring and summer will be especially hard.... no gardening buddies, no outdoor adventures, no impromptu BBQs, no late nights at the black hub doing nothing...
We miss you Uncle Zach and Mei Mei. Kaden keeps asking when you guys are coming home. May your adventures in China be full of love & grace for each other and for those around you...  may you remember your past and create beautiful new memories. Thank you for investing so much love into Kaden. He may not remember much of the last two years of his life... but we will forever see the influence of you guys in his character and personality.  And for Joel and I... we are grateful for you guys. We love you two much. Thank you. (Done writing... cause I am done crying.) :*(

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