Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Wow...Kaden is officially three months old. We cleaned out some of his clothes to hand down to soon to be "cousins" and couldn't believe Kaden actually fit some of those outfits-they looked tiny compared to him now!!! Hhehehe!!! He holds his head up really well...pushes his feet like he wants to crawl... he has flipped from his tummy to back a few times. It's fun to watch all of his expressions and how much he loves to "talk" to us!

Time sure flies by. Kaden is such a joy in our lives. Kaden has a passport! He took his first trip out of the country-We journeyed to Vancouver, BC for Uncle John and Co Jerry's wedding... it was a beautiful ceremony and fun reception. Kaden slept through both so that we could eat a ton and enjoy the ceremony! :-) Congrats guys!!! We were very excited to be a part of your wedding day!!!

We are almost done with the basement! We moved our room downstairs so that we can enjoy the basement more. We also have students staying with us so they are upstairs in the bedrooms there. So, if you come visit us in the next three months, come around to the back entrance!

Summer is getting hot... and the pool is open. :-) Please continue to pray for us and our future as Joel is trying to finish up this summer term of classes. The sun is not helping his study habits at all. Pray for Lisa as she has a full schedule and really just wants to hang out with her boys. :-)

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