Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day!!!

Dear Dadda,

Words can not express what a great Dad you are to Kaden. Being an at home dadda probably isn't the easiest job in the world, but seeing the way you interact with Kaden and love on him: it is precious. It's amazing to see how involved you are with Kaden's growth, maturity, development and love for Christ. We hope you know that you
are much appreciated & LOVED!!! We would be sad, bored, hungry, and dirty without you. Thank you for caring for both of us when we don't feel well, or are just plain GRUMPY! Thank you for loving us with such sacrificial love. We thank you for directing us both to Jesus daily and accepting us in our brokenness. Thank you for being Kaden's daddy and my hubby! We hope you know we love and respect you with all of us (our head, shoulders, knees and toes!) I love seeing Kaden have your mannerisms and be a little mini-you.

Happy Father's Day!

Momma and Baby

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lets Hear It For Summer

Kaden has been very active the last few weeks. After learning to walk and his feet really under him he is exploring everything. He is amazingly fast and confident in his new walking abilities.

The other day we went to the park and he wanted to do all the "big boy" stuff: climb the jungle gym, go down the slide, and run across the bridge.

Daddy isn't sure if he is ready for this and mommy is just happy to be behind the camera taking new and exciting action shots of the little toddler.

We're looking forward to all the summer activities this year because the little one will be able to enjoy them in a new way. 

This year he will be able to jump in the pool and splash around with the cousins, he can enjoy the 4th of July celebrations,  roll around in the grass, (yes, he is over his fear of the grass!)  the possibilities are endless.

It will be fun to see this little face light up with every new adventure.  

So let's hear it for summer....

Hip Hip Hooray!
Hip Hip Hooray!!
Hip Hip Hooray!!!!